
this message may be offensive
          	Hey to those of you who bothered to read and understand what's been going on.
          	To start with:
          	I began working at my local cinema and had a panic attack in the bathrooms over my dead best friend (we used to go to the cinema a lot) and quit the very same day.
          	I'm not doing well in one of my modules in Uni, and if you fail a module, you fail the year.
          	My anxiety is fucking sky-high for no reason all the damn time. I can't even ask a question in class, it's that bad.
          	I'm struggling severely with my body image and it's destroying my mental health.
          	I've just had a disagreement with a mouthy girl on my course and have a horrid feeling she's gonna pick a fight w me in class, and bc of who she is: A) she'd win or B) I'd still get into trouble for defending myself.
          	I was trying to get diagnosed with PCOS, and am in for a scan soon. Upon closer inspection of reproductive organ related issues: I no longer think it's PCOS, instead I match more symptoms with Ovarian Cancer. So I'm worrying about that as well.
          	My best friend's mother (who helped hide the evidence that her step-dad SA'd & killed her) has just been released from prison as well.
          	So... as you can read: I've got a lot going on. But, writing helps pull me through everything. I am writing, just very slowly. So, just bear with.
          	To those of you who've stayed since the beginning: thank you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
          Hey to those of you who bothered to read and understand what's been going on.
          To start with:
          I began working at my local cinema and had a panic attack in the bathrooms over my dead best friend (we used to go to the cinema a lot) and quit the very same day.
          I'm not doing well in one of my modules in Uni, and if you fail a module, you fail the year.
          My anxiety is fucking sky-high for no reason all the damn time. I can't even ask a question in class, it's that bad.
          I'm struggling severely with my body image and it's destroying my mental health.
          I've just had a disagreement with a mouthy girl on my course and have a horrid feeling she's gonna pick a fight w me in class, and bc of who she is: A) she'd win or B) I'd still get into trouble for defending myself.
          I was trying to get diagnosed with PCOS, and am in for a scan soon. Upon closer inspection of reproductive organ related issues: I no longer think it's PCOS, instead I match more symptoms with Ovarian Cancer. So I'm worrying about that as well.
          My best friend's mother (who helped hide the evidence that her step-dad SA'd & killed her) has just been released from prison as well.
          So... as you can read: I've got a lot going on. But, writing helps pull me through everything. I am writing, just very slowly. So, just bear with.
          To those of you who've stayed since the beginning: thank you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


To all my loyal & lovely followers: I'm sorry I've not been updating any of my fics recently. I'm going through a difficult time regarding everything from my mental health to my university work. They will be a more detailed post following shortly for those of ya'll who wanna read. But I promise: I am writing still, just very slowly. If anybody has any requests, or just wants to chat, off PM me and I'll chat when I can. 


this message may be offensive
This really isn’t my year.
          First, Rona happens, then I catch Rona, then everything shuts down.
          Just as I thought life was gonna get better, one of my best friends dies.
          I found out yesterday that she was murdered. No one knows by who, but she’s dead.  
          So fuck you, 2020. 
          Anyway, how’s everyone else’s?


@PrekshaPaldiwal thanks… I appreciate it.


@Nicoforeva I am so sorry for your friend .