
Listen I know this is a long shot but I'm looking for a Harry Potter story where Luna advised Harry to make a vow after his name came out of the goblet he does, and asks Lady Magic to punish who did so Ron ends up a champion and gets fried by the dragon.  Does anyone know this story? It's probably in one of my lists but I can't remember the title 


How you ever thought to do a reaction for the Harry Potter books that you wrote?


@Mrsfaustus13 ok I was just wondering 


@Anubis9876 I have considered it yes, however atm it is a future project. I have one I'm currently invested in and an idea for another one. So it would be after that.


Congratulations on 500 followers


@MimiJohn8 yay, much appreciated.


@Mrsfaustus13 it's fine I followed you and made it 500 for you


So I I’m livening “Lies Revealed” it’s a great book, but I’m a little confused as to why you just like jumped from it to writing “Little Bat” instead. 


@LilyStitch0 no not the Autistic route, more along the lines of all the gross jobs the Dursleys made her do. The trauma of it, while she's strong she did not come away unscathed. I'm aware of the story you mean, I did ask permission from the author to use a couple of excerpts from her stories. I've got one more chapter to finish it then a thank you page citing them.


It starts at the chapter ‘Weasley is an ass’.  I mean, there both great stories, but from reading the chapters before it gets to the slime I didn’t think you were going for autistic. That’s what “The Little Bat” is about, that and snape adopts harry and Marries Tom. 


@LilyStitch0 which chapter was it?


Hello. I'm sorry but your story "Hello Darling" seems pretty similar to the story on my account. So if you could tell me the history behind how you got the idea or something. It may be a coincidence, but I'd like to clarify it. For the peace if both of us. 


@_whatilike_ see I hate people like that, if it's a mistake own up to it but don't get aggressive when called out.  some people are stupid  


It's okay. I am not mad or anything. You actually seem like a good person. :)
            I just already had the displeasure to deal with writers that stole someone elses finished idea and were then agressive when addressed....


Listen I know this is a long shot but I'm looking for a Harry Potter story where Luna advised Harry to make a vow after his name came out of the goblet he does, and asks Lady Magic to punish who did so Ron ends up a champion and gets fried by the dragon.  Does anyone know this story? It's probably in one of my lists but I can't remember the title