
I promise I'm not dead. Senior year + getting ready for college is INSANE. New chapters for Bella II will be out as soon as I'm done with high school <3


omg im so excited! good luck with finishing school! ‍


I promise I'm not dead. Senior year + getting ready for college is INSANE. New chapters for Bella II will be out as soon as I'm done with high school <3


omg im so excited! good luck with finishing school! ‍


Hi!!! I just wanted to ask when the chapters for Bella II are coming! I loved the first book and have been waiting for the next ones!! Ive been reading since 2018 and wanted to know since you said some of the chapters would be released in December! Keep up the great work! 


@prettybuniq Hi! It's crazy you've been reading since 2018, that's amazing, thank you so much. First chapter of Bella II goes up tomorrow.


So... guess who's planning a SEQUEL for Bella? That's right, Stephanie Meyer. NO, it's me. I think it'll be many months in the future because I want something else to come out first, but it's definitely happening. I just have one dilemma: I want to write it in third person instead of first. PLEASE reply to this and let me know if you don't care, or if you have a strong opinion that it being written in the first person.


i LiKe It iF iTs bElLa'S pOv bUt tHiRd PeRsOn sOuNdS gOoD tO


It doesn't really matter if it's in first or third. I'm just overjoyed that there will be a sequel.


So I've decided I'm not gonna edit Bella lol
          I just really don't want to lose those in-line comments. And even though I can't bear to read a lot of it, I'm okay letting it stand as evidence that I've grown to be far more competent with words.


I'm sorry to anyone who's disappointed by that ^


ok but that wedding epilogue was AMAZING  and also are you planning on making more atla books??


At the moment, no. Maybe in the future I’ll be inspired by the universe again, but for now I’d like to branch out. Glad you liked the wedding one ❤️


Hey Mroe03, I have a little idea to add in this story. You said you were editing the whole book, every chapter. I think you should add different persons POV’S. Like Aang’s POV wen he went to find Guru Pathik or when he learned that Bella was an airbender or during the invasion. You could add Zuko’s POV when the *Bella incident* happened. How he felt.
          Just an idea. You don’t have to do it if you don’t like it. 


I’ve actually been considering this because I liked doing it so much in the awakening episode, we’ll see if I can fit something in