
No update for tomorrow guys. An update will continue on Monday. I want to take a break for a while. See you on Monday


So, for my next work. I've been indulging in Valorant a bit too much (who can resist those headshots?), and when I say too much I mean like a thousand hours of gameplay. And yeah I’m still suck at it. Also while binge-watching 'The Office,' I stumbled upon some unexpected inspiration. So, why not combine these two, right? My hope is that this creative endeavor puts a smile on those of you who read it. That’s all and see you in the next update!


@DrkD3v1l Cool! Hope you like the story.


@MrHeyJack interesting, very cool.


@DrkD3v1l Good question. We haven't been assigned a number actually. The reason will be explained further in the chapter, but we haven't reached that part yet.


Hello, guys! I'm thrilled to be back in the world of writing after a lengthy absence. I apologize for being away for so long, but life had other plans. I've been occupied with securing a new job, and I'm excited to say that I finally got one!
          I want to be candid and not make any empty promises this time. I've learned that predicting how long I'll be back or when I'll finish my story is a tricky business. The last time I made such a promise, I wasn't able to fulfill it.
          Enough of that. I'm just happy to be writing again. For all of you that reading this and actually waiting for my next work. Thanks for sticking around and being the best readers ever!


Hi there friend I just finished your fanfiction book if Spider man onto the spider verse and it was really really good am reread it again and still good I hope you do make a continuation with that and hope you see this


@Wolfermus I will consider doing anything about it after the next movie comes out. I want to understand the story more before doing anything else.