
Hey losers. Just wanted to say that I have moved on from DSMP. I'm into The Magnus Archives and The Mechanisms. Uhhhh... Also! I won't be on this wattpad account anymore as I have moved on. Will keep this account up though, as a little memory for me later on down the line. Well, see ya! -Alex


Hey losers. Just wanted to say that I have moved on from DSMP. I'm into The Magnus Archives and The Mechanisms. Uhhhh... Also! I won't be on this wattpad account anymore as I have moved on. Will keep this account up though, as a little memory for me later on down the line. Well, see ya! -Alex


Go check out my newest DSMP book. I'm really inspired to make it into something that will be completed unlike two others (*cough cough* New World and my hotel  an *cough cough*). It's an self-insert and DSMP crossover ig.
          Go check it out please-


this message may be offensive
          I feel selfish. I have so many friends and my family loves me but I want more. I feel awful cause I have love from people, while there are people who don't get or feel love from anyone. I fucking hate that. Book writing is making my mental health spiral out if control. I want to write something good, something better. AND YET HERE I AM. A DISAPPOINTMENT. AND FOR FUCKING WHAT???? I feel lazy all goddamn day. Making videos, thinking of art ideas, writing, drawing, living. It makes me tired and I want to sleep. Why can't I sleep anymore??
          I'm fine though, just wanted to get some anger out


I have made a decision for New World.
          I shall write out Techno's character out of respect for his family. I am continuing the book. But there will be changes in the plot. So please don't come after me for writing him out but since I wrote him in a sort of bad lighting, I want to chose a different character. This is going to be an oc I made a while ago 
          Rest in peace Techno, you shall be missed


Sooooo, I'm keeping him in because then we shall remember him


New World shall be discontinued until further notice.
          The reason is that the man, the myth, the legend, Technoblade has sadly lost his life to stage 4 cancer. And because Techno is put in a bit of bad light in my story, I shall not write until I feel it is right to continue. 
          Please pay respect to Techno's family and everyone who was close to him. Do not push for anything from anyone close to him, out of the wishes of his family. That has been requested by Techno's, whose name has been revealed to be Alex, family. Do watch the video his family posted to get context.
          My dear respect to the family, for you had a amazing family member, he helped a lot of people through tough times and he shall not be forgotten for a long time.


If you know about Anne from Green Gables. Please make an Anne x Reader book. Please, I need it to fill in a weird hole in my heart because ALL I SEE IS GILBERT. Nothing wrong with him but there is no female characters x Reader books under Anne Shirley tag. Maybe on ao3....

