
Hey. I wish I had something more to say. But I guess this platform is the closest place I can get to posting all of my Wings of Fire OCs that I don't want to keep as Wings of Fire OCs anymore. These'll probably be my last stories on here and I plan to keep them on here, maybe. I don't care much, to be honest. Either way, I'm going to post them here and probably scram.


Hey. I wish I had something more to say. But I guess this platform is the closest place I can get to posting all of my Wings of Fire OCs that I don't want to keep as Wings of Fire OCs anymore. These'll probably be my last stories on here and I plan to keep them on here, maybe. I don't care much, to be honest. Either way, I'm going to post them here and probably scram.


Nevermind I will be writing three more non MS books. I will write them in an order like so.
          New book
          New book
          New book
          Afterwards I'm not exactly sure what I will write about next, we'll see I guess! Also, each of the non MS books won't be very long, maybe 20 or 30 long chapters and that'll be it. That is all! 


Dear followers and newcomers, I have decided that I will not write another non MS book but will instead go straight to Moonlight Shadows after finishing The Lost Hearts. Also, I redrew most of the book covers due to them being in an older style and looking terrible. They should now be much better, that's the idea at least.