
Inactive, if you're interested in my fics I only post to Ao3 now under ParagonDeLurid


Hello. its uh... it's me again. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all your amazing books. I know you probably get this a lot but your books mean a lot to me, and I find myself relating to your stories a lot. I hope your life is going well and lives not too hard, and if it is, I hope it gets better soon. you an amazing writing and I hope you continue to write. but by no means think I'  pressuring you to write, I understand its hard sometimes and I haven't finished my books, so I'm not saying you have to. but I just hope you continue, even if you don't post it or something. you have an amazing talent, really. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful life.


no problem, i know this sounds weird, but if you ever need to talk, i'm here. we don't have to get personal but if you ever need to rant or something, i'm fine with that. i have an odd need  to help people and make them happy. i try really hard to make people happy with them selfs and what not. if someones sad or something i start to cry, its weird but not being able to help people makes me little.... you don't have to talk to me AT ALL just offering some help!


can you finish the magic cupcake one?


oh no! it's fine, i understand! deal with all the things you need to, no pressure. the book was just really good. i didn't even know what DDlb/DDlg was until these. and it turns out a lot of friends are little. anyway, i was just encouraging you, not trying to bother you. if this is bothering you please tell me, i just love your writing so much! thank you!


@NoOnesHereButYou I'm sorry it's not done, I've had a lot going on in my life lately. I'll try my best but I can't promise anything.


oooooo your books be real snazzy.
          i like them alot