
this message may be offensive
          	I am all well now!  :D
          	On a different note; has anyone noticed how my OP x BB story now has [PART 1] on it's title? That's right. I'm splitting the story into 2 parts, simply because the first part is too disorganised with it's chapterls names, arrangement, etc.
          	PART 2 is in the works, but I wouldn't say it's coming any time soon. School has re-started for me, I am doing art commissions on the side to earn money, and I'm focusing on maintaining friendships because my social skills suck ass.
          	I believe that's all,
          	- Mooffee.


this message may be offensive
          I am all well now!  :D
          On a different note; has anyone noticed how my OP x BB story now has [PART 1] on it's title? That's right. I'm splitting the story into 2 parts, simply because the first part is too disorganised with it's chapterls names, arrangement, etc.
          PART 2 is in the works, but I wouldn't say it's coming any time soon. School has re-started for me, I am doing art commissions on the side to earn money, and I'm focusing on maintaining friendships because my social skills suck ass.
          I believe that's all,
          - Mooffee.


          NOTE: I've been sick for the past 2+ weeks, and I am excruciatingly slowly getting better.
          This is important. I've decided, for my physical and mental health, that I won't update, create, or post any stories until my sickness is gone. Everything's been halted.
          Sorry for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for understanding.
          - Mooffee.


          A New Era.
          That's right! The next chapter, A Night Out, is expected to release either tonight or late tomorrow afternoon, ACST.


Moving the deadline to tonight, 7-10 PM, ACST. I forgot to account for the fact that I have school, and might not be able to finish it Kate afternoon.


          I'm desperate...
          Virus C had a new short chapter released last night for anyone who missed it, I'll give the link.
          If you hadn't noticed, I'm trying so hard to get this story close to at least 100 readers/views, like my other OP x BB-based stories. If anything's wrong with the Virus C story so far, please let me know! I want to know why no one's giving it any attention like the others.


I merely wish to appeal to you all better, that's all  :c


Finally, some new Transformers-related content!
          It will involve some OP x BB angst, and much more, so make sure to check it out when you have the time!  ^^


Only the notice has been released. I have a plan "drawn out" for the first chapter, and with me juggling the 1 week I have of school left and trying to find a career I like that I can achieve with my disabilities, It's been hard, and it might be maybe... 1-2?? weeks before the first chapter will be released, but that's just an estimate; it might be sooner or later than what I'm guessing.