
I'm back from vacation, a year older, and for my birthday my niece gave me a mild cold. On Sunday I have a birthday celebration and on Monday I start my last semester before I have an associate's. 
  I don't know when I'll get to editing CH7 part 2 so it's postable. I am going to aim for "soon", but am not going to push myself at all. The rest of CH7 will probably be the most difficult editing job for me to accomplish due to lots of worldbuilding being involved, and the fact that the entire chapter in total is 5.4k words, unedited. 
          	Welp. We'll see. 


I'm back from vacation, a year older, and for my birthday my niece gave me a mild cold. On Sunday I have a birthday celebration and on Monday I start my last semester before I have an associate's. 
 I don't know when I'll get to editing CH7 part 2 so it's postable. I am going to aim for "soon", but am not going to push myself at all. The rest of CH7 will probably be the most difficult editing job for me to accomplish due to lots of worldbuilding being involved, and the fact that the entire chapter in total is 5.4k words, unedited. 
          Welp. We'll see. 


Hiya. Took me forever to finish editing Chapter Six of Wildfiress. I hope it doesn't disappoint! It will be posted at noon on the 28th, EDT. 
          Next chapter, CH7, is long as well and will be disconnected into two different parts. I am way too thorough and slow when I edit so while I hope to get it completed before too much longer, I don't really know. 
          If anyone's interested in the progress I'm making on Wildfiress that's not posted on here yet - I've gotten about a third of the way through writing Chapter Twelve. New places to go, new people to meet... big secrets to uncover about the universe. A whole magical world that Eirlys is just beginning to discover. I hope you'll join me on the journey! 


Thankyou so much for the follow :)


@infxnitestxrs aww thankyou so much!! I really really hope you like them


@infxnitestxrs No problem! Excited to start reading your stories :) Have a good day!