
Quite annoying when you hit a writer's block huh? Trying hard to think of something different than just Dragon Ball. I've kinda gotten into JoJo and possibly back into RWBY. And I've met quite a lot of people in my life in Roleplay which kinda changed my eye away from Dragon Ball Related stuff to something else.
          	Do you guys still want only Dragon Ball related stories from me, or would you like me to broaden my variety of Anime/Manga Series?


Quite annoying when you hit a writer's block huh? Trying hard to think of something different than just Dragon Ball. I've kinda gotten into JoJo and possibly back into RWBY. And I've met quite a lot of people in my life in Roleplay which kinda changed my eye away from Dragon Ball Related stuff to something else.
          Do you guys still want only Dragon Ball related stories from me, or would you like me to broaden my variety of Anime/Manga Series?


Hello everyone, I know I have been.. MIA for a long time. So I'll explain.
          Firstly, I am finally done with my High School. Yep, finished High School so my age should be obvious to you all. That's why I've been hiatus or MIA for a long time cause exams were my first priority and I do hope I will get good results.
          Secondly, I am currently lacking in motivation.. Yeah, don't we all ;-; Anyways, I'll try my best to get Chapter 1 of Otherworldly soon, I just hope I don't lose anymore spirit to writing


Oh yeah, and. Happy Late Halloween, don't go getting diabetes k?


hello, everyone. It's me again, the writer who exchanges his sanity for writing. So, I just finished That time I got reincarnated as a Slime. And I loved it! So, I'm doing my one. I hope you all like it. Give me any other animes to crossover with my Midoriya Trio


@Roythestrong mine dm me a quick summary of the show. I do not wish to watch 900 episodes