
this message may be offensive
I just need to say something you guys probably don't care but there was this guy we were walking our dog and maybe like 4 or 5 times he's like came out with this cat petting her as he knows that our dog wants to wait And He wants our dog to bite him so then dog can be put down and he was being a b!tch and I don't give a fuck about he cat it just sits there Acting like she's a queen  But we actually thought of bringing a squirt gun just a score at the cats and leave


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I just need to say something you guys probably don't care but there was this guy we were walking our dog and maybe like 4 or 5 times he's like came out with this cat petting her as he knows that our dog wants to wait And He wants our dog to bite him so then dog can be put down and he was being a b!tch and I don't give a fuck about he cat it just sits there Acting like she's a queen  But we actually thought of bringing a squirt gun just a score at the cats and leave