
New chapter! Sorry for the wait, enjoy!


friday no.2 //
          moths encircle the blood that flows from dark creeks, in praise of the shimmers. like dew in the dawn of an april day, we slumber and sway, fill others with warmth and sighs, withdraw the cruxes of the dismal, not to fray the melancholy - even if it is only for minutes - and breathe. so, like the moths, like the dew, do not be afraid to embrace the darkness behind you, in front of you, for it is part of you. part of the many pieces you are made of. so breathe near these "darknesses", for they wish to see you fill yourself with something that, somehow, lifts your visage to the eidolon of the sky. breath, it is one of the greatest pleasures.
          // szaffi. ♡♡
          (if you'd rather this in pms for not clogging up your mb just say so <3)


friday no.1 //
          we are the best cure and the most nourishing balm for our kind. we formed a sense of aeolian (almost encompassing) love and respect for ourselves and eachother, that outranks all the pitiful and the soulless - makes them become an art form too. it's really, only, when we water our hopes, nurture them, let them drink the rose sunlight, embrace the heart of the earth, is when we see our truest and brightest blossom. smile. its one of your greatest blessings.
          // szaffi.


do youuu remember me at all ?


my online name is jane but call me szaffi (a Hungarian translation of my real one <33)


@ignis-flore Ah! I see! I remember that, though forgive me for not remembering your name. I do remember following you.


@MizzMizu_ I don't know whether you remember me on the book club whatsapp group,, we noticed either of us are in watty AND infps haha and we followed eachother after that !