
          	Following the advice from a follower who has commented on my abrupt and lengthy hiatus. I would like to explain a few things.
          	My life for the past year or so had taken a severe turn and due to (finishing school and moving on with life) I had been unable to so much as look at Wattpad much less update on it. In the next passing months I will be working my up in the workforce and completing my goals in life. However I will try my best to continue on with my writing as best as humanly possible. 
          	I would like to apologize to everyone for my lack of activity over the past year- and hope you can understand. Your guys support for my books (even during my unannounced and unplanned hiatus) has been greatly appreciated. I feel very loved and supported- even though I have been absent. 
          	I apologize once again. 


@MizukoWaterchild  Take your time. Life is always more important than to wright  a story. Even if i have to Wait a whole Year or even longer, i still will read it. Because Silence is a Deadly thing and  Her Silent Song are way to good to ignore them even if the breake is long because your focusing on the things that are your goals,  interests or are important in life.  everyone is going to wait because we respect your choice´s and when the next chapter is out we going to be reading it, enjoying it and most importantly going to Support you in your wrighting. Stay Healthy and dont let your self be draged down by others  !


@MizukoWaterchild your books are awesome, I don't care how long I have to wait till you finish it. You are one of my authors on this app and am glad that you are still wrighting! looking forward to the next chapter that you release (hopefully sometime soon).


Take your time


Heyy <3 Just wondering how you're doing cuz I haven't heard anything from you in a while!


I’m doing good! Currently pursuing a career in Welding and attending college for it :) my writing has been out to the side, and I’m unsure of when i will be continuing with it; unfortunately. 


          Following the advice from a follower who has commented on my abrupt and lengthy hiatus. I would like to explain a few things.
          My life for the past year or so had taken a severe turn and due to (finishing school and moving on with life) I had been unable to so much as look at Wattpad much less update on it. In the next passing months I will be working my up in the workforce and completing my goals in life. However I will try my best to continue on with my writing as best as humanly possible. 
          I would like to apologize to everyone for my lack of activity over the past year- and hope you can understand. Your guys support for my books (even during my unannounced and unplanned hiatus) has been greatly appreciated. I feel very loved and supported- even though I have been absent. 
          I apologize once again. 


@MizukoWaterchild  Take your time. Life is always more important than to wright  a story. Even if i have to Wait a whole Year or even longer, i still will read it. Because Silence is a Deadly thing and  Her Silent Song are way to good to ignore them even if the breake is long because your focusing on the things that are your goals,  interests or are important in life.  everyone is going to wait because we respect your choice´s and when the next chapter is out we going to be reading it, enjoying it and most importantly going to Support you in your wrighting. Stay Healthy and dont let your self be draged down by others  !


@MizukoWaterchild your books are awesome, I don't care how long I have to wait till you finish it. You are one of my authors on this app and am glad that you are still wrighting! looking forward to the next chapter that you release (hopefully sometime soon).


Take your time


Hii!! I just wanted to check up on you to see if everything's alright, are you staying safe? Healthy? I love your stories and hope you can keep making what makes you happy!


OMG Yes the last chapter hit card  


Hello :) I’m sorry for getting back to your messages several months later- but I am doing well. I plan to get back into writing shortly, I was just caught up with things in my life that kept me away from Wattpad. thank you for your concern it means a lot 


Hey guys. I’m going through a pretty rough patch in my life right now, so updates will be far and few in between. I’ll try my damned best, but until I’m in a better emotional state,  I can’t promise anything. 
          Love you ❤️ (temped to call you guys my little Sirens) 


@CatDemon_Insanire will do, I plan to do just that ❤️


@MizukoWaterchild make sure to cuddle many fluffy animals to fight off sadness


Anyone just get so frustrated you want to cry? 
          LITTLE RANT: 
          I have a music festival coming up tomorrow and then The Rocky Mountain Music Festival on Thursday. Anyways, my band and I were practicing this morning and I got so worked up I completely bombed everything. Screwed up the solo, missed notes, wrong notes, entire measures not played, dragging tempo: ALL THE FUN STUFF. 
          My conductor calls me out on it, my other partner in my section falls apart when I fall apart, and I'm getting dirty looks. 
          Lord help before I lose it. 


            Thanks for the support! I just hope we don't mess it up.


@mystery794  you'll do great! And good luck on that concert too! Concerts can be stressful :)) 


            I know how you feel. I got lot of stress. Me and my band are doing a concert soon. Me and a part of my section are doing a trio kind of thing. God help me


Almost had a heart attack. Went to go edit 'silence is a deadly thing' and I the option for 'works' disappeared from its usual place. Updates are going to be the death of me. I swear.


@MizukoWaterchild did the exact same thing, so annoying 


@MizukoWaterchild lmao!  Gotta love them darn buttons!     


          okay. So we all know “Silence is a Deadly Thing” NOW. we ALSO know how Rocky the first few chapters. It would probably be smart of me to re-write those few chapters. Anyways, I do have a point with this. I hate it when readers can’t even get past CHAPTER 1 before asking - “why did she do that?” “Why didn’t we do this sooner if she had summons?” “If she was crazy, why did she allow herself to be abused?” 
          all shall be explained my dear readers.....IF YOU READ ON!  makes my heart hurt too when they stop ready on the first chapter because they didn’t get the answers working 2min or reading. 
          WHATS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? As a reader, or Fellow Author? 


            Or when they make characters talk like this:
            -Yeah, totes cool- Naruto says 


            When the grammer is structured like this-
            KAKASHI: No, thats not a good idea. 
            Kakashi moves to the other side of the room


@MizukoWaterchild I don't like when the reader freaks out about a tinny thing and starts making theories or an old reader spiols the whole thing in a comment.