
Hello! Hope you’re having a good day. Tried to message you with some of the ideas I have for KFP4 fanfic but Wattpad no longer offers direct messages though I sent a message to but you didn’t respond so I guess I’ll have to explain some here if it’s alright with you.


@MissFirefly227 alrighty, well first off I’d like to apologize for taking so long but I needed to watch the movie again and read your fanfics to get a better idea of how your take of the KFP4 fanfic can be better. And after doing just that, I think the first idea is to give the chameleon a better reasoning/motivation than her not being a king fu master because she was just too small and inferior. I get that she wanted to become a kung fu master but the reasons for it because of THAT. I thought that one was poorly written in a character who’s trying to take over china by stealing skills from different masters.


@Parcival_Wolf Hey there! I checked my FF.Net but nothing was showing? No worries, though. Feel free to post your ideas here! I love when fans have ideas :)


Hello friend I have a couple of questions if you are not comfortable answering them I understand
          1: what is you're name
          2: how old are you
          3: are you male or female
          4: what's you're biggest fear


Ok firefly


@sans404666 No problem! You can call me 'Firefly' if you'd like, it's my online name :)


@NootalyaSafari it's okay but thanks for answering my questions


Great chapter I love how you added leo lungs father but I have two questions 
          1: what gave you the idea of making you're books
          2: why did you choose a lion as the protagonist


@NootalyaSafari thanks and shifu does have a habit of adopting bad cats


@sans404666 I got the idea for my books almost six years ago! I was watching a scene from Kung Fu Panda on YouTube (I think it was where Tigress was explaining Tai Lung’s past). I was scrolling through the comments and saw a comment that said ‘Shifu has a bad habit of adopting dangerous cats.’ Pretty sure the comment was either removed or deleted, which is sad.
             At first I just created Leo as an OC of mine after reading that comment. I thought it would be funny to make a story based on that comment (because, let’s be real, Shifu does have a bad habit of adopting dangerous cats.) I didn’t start writing the first story until several months later after I began developing characters and everything.


Hello nootalyaSafari I just want to say that you're books are awesome but that is not what I want to tell you I want to tell you that I made a book like you're so please don't be mad and I just want to know if you approve of it


nootalyaSafari THANK YOU!!!!! I am so happy but I will not post on that book in a while and if you go to my conversation you will found out why


@sans404666 I don't mind! I don't own Kung Fu Panda or the characters (I only own my OCs), so I'm fine with you writing based on my story. If you ever need any advice, ideas, or help writing, be sure to let me know! I'll be sure to keep an eye on your progress :)