
Guys, don't come for me, I'm going through my Wattpad author lore at the moment. Someone DMed me on Insta asking for an update ( that was cool af, how did you even find me!?!) and I have to list the events of this week and a half in order:
          	1. Stabbed my foot into a metal bar in the kitchen and couldn't walk.
          	2. I burned my hand below my thumb while trying to take out the chicken buns I made.  
          	3. I almost fell 5 times the same day and almost hit my head against stuff. 
          	4. I fell over my baby nephew who had escaped the other room and crawled around in the dark.
          	5. Almost burned myself with tea. 
          	6. Nausea
          	7. Food Poisoning and diarrhoea
          	8. Nausea and and sickness
          	9. I got diagnosed with ADHD
          	I feel like that one artist on twitter who got bitten by a scorpion and got an eye infection. HELP.


@Minxilly the bootleg version of 7 seasons from shameless


Guys, don't come for me, I'm going through my Wattpad author lore at the moment. Someone DMed me on Insta asking for an update ( that was cool af, how did you even find me!?!) and I have to list the events of this week and a half in order:
          1. Stabbed my foot into a metal bar in the kitchen and couldn't walk.
          2. I burned my hand below my thumb while trying to take out the chicken buns I made.  
          3. I almost fell 5 times the same day and almost hit my head against stuff. 
          4. I fell over my baby nephew who had escaped the other room and crawled around in the dark.
          5. Almost burned myself with tea. 
          6. Nausea
          7. Food Poisoning and diarrhoea
          8. Nausea and and sickness
          9. I got diagnosed with ADHD
          I feel like that one artist on twitter who got bitten by a scorpion and got an eye infection. HELP.


@Minxilly the bootleg version of 7 seasons from shameless


Will there be any updates for Mine bxb soon? I love the story and have been on edge, craving more because it’s so good 


@Mommy_Milkerz_ I got the survival rizz. At this point death is just impressed. T-T


You got that camera man type of survival


@Minxilly you have such strong plot armor, I believe you will. I just read your messages. I truly hope you are doing alright now


Did the b4 die recently  I mean 'mine' seems interesting but there's only like 18-19 chapters 


@Minxilly oh okay thx take your time I am really enjoying it sorry I didn't respond sooner. 


this message may be offensive
@Dream_Stans_Suck_Ass I'll update when I have time, my work is just very busy around this time.