
Hey, it's me. I'm alright. Even though its been silent here, so much has been happening. Today marks one year since I graduated college. I paid off my student loans last month. I bought my dream vehicle. I might be buying a house in six months. I'm at the top of my game at my job that I dreamed about having. I am, in every way, a very blessed twenty-three year old. Except I am guilty of reading more than writing lately. I can't help it when those fantasy books hook me in, my mind will not rest until I've consumed it ALL. Yes, I'm still in the midst of the epilogue for Accolade, and I have so many plans for TMWH. I daydream about the plot but it's truly a matter of time because I don't get to write for hours like I did in high-school. Its half a page and then I have to leave, which makes the process extremely slow and often with no progress because I overthink. One day, I will figure out this work/life balance thing. I promise.  Thank you for all the patience and concern. I think about you guys quite often. I miss all the comments.


@Mintessla YAY congrats on everything that's so cool what you were able to accomplish. Take your time figuring out that balance I'll wait as long as you need to read your stories because they're that good. 


Hey, it's me. I'm alright. Even though its been silent here, so much has been happening. Today marks one year since I graduated college. I paid off my student loans last month. I bought my dream vehicle. I might be buying a house in six months. I'm at the top of my game at my job that I dreamed about having. I am, in every way, a very blessed twenty-three year old. Except I am guilty of reading more than writing lately. I can't help it when those fantasy books hook me in, my mind will not rest until I've consumed it ALL. Yes, I'm still in the midst of the epilogue for Accolade, and I have so many plans for TMWH. I daydream about the plot but it's truly a matter of time because I don't get to write for hours like I did in high-school. Its half a page and then I have to leave, which makes the process extremely slow and often with no progress because I overthink. One day, I will figure out this work/life balance thing. I promise.  Thank you for all the patience and concern. I think about you guys quite often. I miss all the comments.


@Mintessla YAY congrats on everything that's so cool what you were able to accomplish. Take your time figuring out that balance I'll wait as long as you need to read your stories because they're that good. 


          Are u OK??
          It's been a while since you updated and I literally miss ur writings 


@Akirasanel glad to know u r good and yeah being a young adult sucks


@Akirasanel Hi! Yes, I'm alright. I've been working alot and trying to live my life at the same time... which is NOT easy. I apologize, I haven't been writing and I still have so many things I want to write. Adulthood sucks :(((


your writing is so incredible and i cannot wait to read the next update for tmwh. each chapter is so perfect even when it’s just a filler which is not something everyone can say about their writing. i hope you’re doing alright, and please take your time publishing. don’t stress yourself out ❤️


@cowboyinatuxedo heyyy thank you so much! I truly appreciate your patience, I've been trying to figure out this work/life balance. I am doing alright, thank you. Hopefully I'll get time to write soon because I miss it as much as you do  <33


Pls can u take some time off ur busy schedule and update the minutes we have
          I'm a sucker for ur books


@Akirasanel some people have comfort food, I have comfort Mintessla reading


@Akirasanel It's all good! I totally understand and I'm honored <33


Hi! Happy New Year! I guess I did uphold alittle bit of my personal tradition of writing on NYE. I just uploaded four new chapters for Accolade. They are the last chapters for the book. I'm still not settled on the epilogue so I'll be taking my time with that, otherwise, we've reached the end. Still one of the hardest books I've written. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful night and Happy New Year!




OMGeee Her destiny series .....LOVE IT!! I really enjoyed reading & seeing you grow as a writer. I dnt have the heart to read Joel's yet cause I already know his ending & I didnt take it well the first time. Thank you for writing.


@KristalMorse I am SO happy to hear this! That series will always hold a special place in my heart because I grew up with those books. Joel's story is definitely not sugar and sweets. Thank you for reading <33


Helloooo, I was just wondering what's your estimate on how many chapters there'll be in 'The minutes we have' and 'Accolade'. I've been obsessed with your books for ages :)) but since you've updated I started re reading both of these ones for like the 10th time.♡♡♡


@Mintessla i can't waitttt <3333


@dahornymf Hi! Accolade will be ending within eight to ten chapters from now. I genuinely do not know for TMWH because I still have alot to unpack... but I assume it will be around 50-60. I'm very glad you enjoy reading! <33


I passed! I have successfully obtained my liscense and it feels like a complete dream. Even saying it now feels like it isn't real! Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers!


@Mintessla that was a fast way of getting the results, my guys here takes forever, sometimes month until we get our results back. Nevertheless congrats for youuu <3