
hey everyone! sorry for not updating any of my stories recently. I will try to update soon. any stories in particular that I should update?


@Minecraft_Foxy @supersheep21402 I look forward to it =} Tralalalala~~*Happy dance* xD


@supersheep21402 @SapphireBlue070 I promise I will try to update it soon! sorry for my absence here on wattpad, my phone screen cracked and won't let me publish my updates. Don't worry though! I'm gonna try to get wattpad on my iPad so I should be able to write again!


hey everyone! sorry for not updating any of my stories recently. I will try to update soon. any stories in particular that I should update?


@Minecraft_Foxy @supersheep21402 I look forward to it =} Tralalalala~~*Happy dance* xD


@supersheep21402 @SapphireBlue070 I promise I will try to update it soon! sorry for my absence here on wattpad, my phone screen cracked and won't let me publish my updates. Don't worry though! I'm gonna try to get wattpad on my iPad so I should be able to write again!


hello all of my lovely fox kits! (followers to all that are boring ;).) I may have created a new book? yea u can start exploding pineapples on my lawn lol. But please check it out! thnx! 
             May the Randomness Brighten your Path,
                                            Minecraft_Foxy <3


@neon_clownfish I hav an update that I want to publish but it isnt complete, I might stop it at a semi cliffhanger, and publish, adding to it as a new paragraph skipping a line and indenting so it is noticeable to where to begin reading from left off. I just think my fellow readers should kniw wat im doing lol and u deserve update ;)