
.. Bored... :P


@MinecraftGirlzRox12  and when did I say I didn't care cuz I do 


I understand it going though a hard time but I know God never gives you something u can't Handel sometime we just Handel stuff wrong. He is there for us no matter if u think he left u. And when we loose all hope he sends others to encourage u. Hurting yourself doesn't help at all. I understand jasmine I am fighting my own battle and I said no one understood but they do and I just said no and I ignored them and I avoided them but it didn't help me and sometimes I blamed them for everything but it did nothing only God can help and sometimes when we need a reminder he will send people to remind u. An that is what I'm doing 


@MinecraftGirlzRox12  look jaz I know what u go through but u shouldn't cut 


And hurting yourself but creates more oromblems


Because it is self harm and solves nothing 


There is a girl in the back of the class
          That had her whole life blown away
          She cut and she burned 
          Where no one could see
          And she put on a smile
          For all to see
          She cried and she screamed
          But no one could here
          She told her friends 
          But they didn't care
          Nor understand
          But all they said was
          "I'm a bad friend and I don't deserve you"
          Her parents left her alone
          All day to starve and be bored
          (You don't have to read this)
          She hinted to people
          What she did
          But nun understood
          She pushed her thoughts 
          Away everyday
          And put on a mask
          That covered her hurt
          She wants friends that understand 
          How she feels
          But can never find any
          *this is for all the people that think like this* add something in the comments if u would like


 Don't push me out


God helps
            God loves u
            God is the way out
            Without God there is nothing 
            With God there is everything 


I try to help u
            I want to help u
            I do my best to help u
            I understand 
            I know it's hard
            But u are hurting yourself 
            Do u see there is another way