
Currently pulling an all-nighter for this next chapter. Hope you all enjoyed Christmas!


@Mindless_Meee when i said this book i meant save me specifically


@Mindless_Meee can you please please update  this book you have not updated since march 19 and all of your readers and fans are kindly asking you to update this book i mean you know you have 1.5m readers why won't you update and i don't mean to be rude but it seems like you don't even care . I understand you might be a busy person but the least you can do is TRY to update maybe every week or two.please forgive me if im coming off rude or selfish but i just could not help myself from ranting/venting because you seem to refuse to update or just not update this book. I think you are an amazing writer and  save me princeton love story is one of the best book ever that why i want you to update so bad IS because of save. Please please update for all 1.5m of us readers please