
I haven't online for a LONG time. Hi people. 
          	Its been about a year since I've been active, I sincerely apologise.. not really...


Hi,  thanks so much 4 the follow back. 


"If I hold onto you, it hurts
          But if I let you go, it hurts even more
          This place is deeper than a dream inside a dream
          I have no confidence to escape from it
          Saying that I’ll forget you
          Is all a lie that remains in me
          Your face spreads throughout my heart again
          It hurts even more than before
          I think I miss you even more
          I think it’s even more dangerous.."


My selfishness that couldn’t let you go
          turned into an obsession that imprisoned you.
          Were you hurt because of me?
          You sit silently.
          Why am I a fool, why can’t I forget you.
          You’re already gone.♪
          Jfc this has become my favorite song, I've been listening to too much Kpop I need help.


You know what im craving right now?
          A shamrock shake but i guess i have to wait till next year. 
          goddamit McDonald's why do you do this to me? 
          making me wait 10 months before i could get another of your tasty shamrock shakes 


@My_Panic omg haha im just like i cant even 
जवाब दें


@My_Panic kookie is cute too. 
            But I'm just saying V and Rapmon are hot. 
            there's a difference and idek. 
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@My_Panic haha i can't decide wich one is my bias yet they're all perfect omg 
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