
Hello my beautiful lovelies. Chapter 64 is finally out after so long. Please enjoy ♥️ 
          	P.S. I plan to finish JAFNAH before Jin finishes his military service.
          	P.P.S. I know, I have away for so long but this time around, I will stick around wattpad and do my best to finish all my works.


@uredogspeackschinese you're welcome. new chapter will be uploaded soon!


@ MinDara94  thank you soo muchhh!!! 


Hello my beautiful lovelies. Chapter 64 is finally out after so long. Please enjoy ♥️ 
          P.S. I plan to finish JAFNAH before Jin finishes his military service.
          P.P.S. I know, I have away for so long but this time around, I will stick around wattpad and do my best to finish all my works.


@uredogspeackschinese you're welcome. new chapter will be uploaded soon!


@ MinDara94  thank you soo muchhh!!! 


Hi am from the the 2024  just want to know if you still gonna update just a few numbers away cause I been waiting since 2022 i been visiting here now and then wanting to know if you okay to and of story still continues or discontinue 


@Cj44848 i will continue it this year.. I'm sorry I have been away for so long.. I have been hiatus because life got complicated


What is love?


@mayasou059 the same thing happened to me last 2022 


this message may be offensive
@MinDara94 thank you ❤️ it did get better. I was going through a break up at the time, he left and for no reason and I grieved a living person. It felt like shit but with time I came at peace with the fact that I might never know why one would leave so suddenly and I moved on, I love me better than anyone else so I took myself on more solo dates, did bunch of different things I enjoy and out of the blue I met a decent guy along the way who makes me the happiest. 


I hope i can finish "JAFNA" before this year ends... i know I've been dragging it way too long. But like i said, lots of things happened. Relationship stuff and work stuff. 
          I am happy now with my love life. Haha. I met the man of my dreams on a free dating app. I hope we last. I love him although i can't compete with how much he loves me more. He fell first before i did. 
          He's such a nice person. Kind and gentle and sweet. He knows how to apologize when his wrong and he makes me happy. 
          His my inspiration now. So that's why my mental block got unlock haha. 
          I hope i can continue writing stories. I love ypu guys! Take care always!


@MinDara94 glad to hear you are happy. ♡♡♡


          Hello guys! 
          Here is a treat to all the Jimin fans. I’ve published 2 chapters of my new fanfiction “Pretentious LOVE”
          Do give it a read and let me know your feedback :)
          New chapters coming soon!
          Hope you enjoy it.
          Thanks a lot :)


Hello guys. It's been awhile.
          I am alive. Thankfully. The storm was the most destructive storm i have experienced in my entire life. Pretty scary.
          When i went outside. The devastion was massive. Things wont be the same anymore. The beauty of the places before will only remain in our memories.
          Hopefully we can stay strong through this difficult times and work our ways slowly to get out from this predicament. 
          I know I am quiet rambling. But I am just grateful my family and I are safe. As well as people I know, like my friends, acquaintances and co-workers.
          Lastly, I hope all those who have way more bad experience  than I did would be able to overcome their troubles soon. 
          Life must go on. So let's welcome 2022 with open arms amidst everything. 
          My beautiful lovelies, I am terrible sorry for making you wait with my stories. I cannot promise anything but I will try to write with my free time until work consumes me again. 
          Stay heal and safe always. Love you all ❤


@Rashid727 i will update as soon as possible.... thank you


@MinDara94 I was wondering when are you going to update just a few numbers away? Although I don't know what happened or what storm you're talking about I'm glad you're safe.