
Going to Delete the Stories that had under preformed on my account. 
          	So that means the ones that I will probably not finish, and I’m sorry for that. 


I’m putting my fanfictions on hold…
          And No it’s not because that I have writers block, which I don’t. 
          It’s the lack of confidence I have to continue going, I don’t know what it is with writers lately, but that just seemed to have the gift of being able to gain a following when I only get very little, only to my Fanfictions get ignored to the point that it makes me question my life. 
          Like what is it do I need to do to gain a following, write a story that nothing but smut. 
          Spend at least 10-38 days on one chapter with pointless filler text that has no importance whatsoever with a plot, or just not have a plot in general. 
          It’s really frustrating to me, that someone can gain a following when all it takes is just some plot to start bolt for it to end up being forgotten. Or hell leading up to nothing but smut. 
          So anyways, yeah I’m sorry to just disappear on you guys like this…but I just can’t really continue on. 
          It’s like I’m cured or something with not being able to please anyone, to the point that I’m just over shadow by so many people. 
          If you want to follow me on Twitter/X it’s @GenusVixen 
          And on AO3 is @Sonic_MultiShiper 


@Miley_Tailsko_Prower Your stories are amazing. And I hope you gain the confidence back that you need. I love all your stories.


@Miley_Tailsko_Prower :yea your stories are fantastic I hope you gain back that confidence hun!


I’m sorry you feel that way. You’re awesome and I’m sorry. Your fics are great, I hope you can gain your confidence back. <3


Okay so Like Pink Threads. 
          Game of Pretend is going be on hold, for while…
          And No it’s not that I don’t know what I’m doing with the plot. It’s just kind of noticing a pattern with some of my stories. 
          The Stuff that mentions Sonadow just for some reason do better, while other ships that I try to write for. 
          Do not have the same results as that fanfictions 
          So…I’m gonna do an Experiment, with that. 
          So I got another Fanfiction idea that I’m gonna get to work on. So I’ll see you guys then 


this message may be offensive
Okay so…This is a rather important question, cause it can change the way that I write my stories. 
          So…Do you like it when I put more detail into my stories? Like you know go more in depth with it? 
          Do you guys like it when I just skip the filler shit, (Example: Dates, Violence, More than one Sex Scene) and just make it short and sweet? 
          I’m only asking, cause Besides Pink Threads, and Revival Love (That is also probably gonna be on hold) 
          I just noticed the lack of well Likes. 


No, I love the details, it makes it easier to envision


@ Miley_Tailsko_Prower  No, I like when you go Deep with It :)


“Revival Love” 
          Is a Story that I’m Experimenting with…Between Ships that I haven’t written for, and their connections With Sonic. In the past. 
          The Non-Mobians as I explained in my story, are mobians that have an Extra Chromosome that give them Genetic Mutations, changing them from be classified as Mobians to Monsters. 
          Think of it as the Mutant Gene in the Marvel Universe. 
          There is will be Flashback scenes (That I call Memories) cause I’m still keeping in theme with this World Taking Place 500 years into the future. 
          Depending on how good the Story does, will be my motivation into Continuing the story. 


“Pink Threads” is going be on hold until further notice. 
          Debating whether I should just start over with new idea…or just rewrite some of the story and take out the plot the with Iblis. 
          And just have the story focus around Mephiles’ and Sonic’s Relationship. 
          The main problem I have is that fact that I just tend to just Skip relationship build up, in my stories…got a message from someone saying that “Something/s missing” in my stories, and it’s got me rethinking somethings 
          It’s fine that you want to message me just…don’t tell me something like that…cause it triggers the negative thoughts I already suffer from, on a daily basis. 
          Anyways, I might work on a different Fanfiction on the meantime since I have a big list anyways. 
          Thanks for the support on “Pink Threads” though. 


And when I mean negative thoughts, I mean like the second guessing myself over my own writing. 
            Yes I know I delete some stories, that’s because I’m mind I’m constantly thinking the same things “Oh I’m not good enough” and “No they would hate this if I continue with this” and “This is even worst than what wrote before” 
            Stuff like that. 
            Like keep in mind I’m writing all these stories BY MYSELF with no outside help whatsoever all these Ideas come from my own Sick Twisted Mind. 