
just finished rewriting the prologue of pokéshifter and o h l o ok i can actually write now. idk if you feel like checking it out go ahead and give me some feedback. ok goodbye


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y o legit haven't gone on here in ages. Re-downloaded the app on a whim and then holy shit. I am thinking of continuing to re-write Poke-Shifter, and actually giving Kitty a consistent personality o o p s. Don't count on it, but I'll give it a shot. Also I got better at writing. none of that w e a k  a s s  s h i t  anymore. guess that's all fo lk s


Nyyeeeh! Hi everyone! I'm not dead. I just haven't felt inspiration for any of my stories lately.  I've been thinking of writing a Hetalia fanfiction, but I'm still not sure. I just feel a bit bad for not updating any of my books, but I just can't find it in me to think of more for them. 
          I have also been thinking of posting a new art book, because o think my drawing has gotten a lot better. 
          I just wanted to know what you guys think. 


Hi! Its Mason!!!!!


Oh? How will you send the picture though?


@Midnight_lugia DM me, i made a book coverfor you :)
            you'll love it