
I know I haven't been on for a long time but I officially now go by: He/It and It/It's :D I never got the chance to say on here cause I forgor 


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Should have said this on the 13 BUT
          Um I'm officially 18 and have been for a few weeks or whatever :')
          But also before my actual birthday I finally went to Billy bobs wonderland as well and I gotta say it's amazing but also amazing fucking pizza it's like take out pizza but like at a place like that


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I wanna make a Wattpad book about this dream I had,I was some fuzzy zombie thing but it wasn't a zombie but I knew I was dead some how,I'm guessing it was moss or actually fuzzy stuff,idk it would seem cool..I'm gonna make this a oc because fuck it


 Y'all ever just want to cause some chaos but your to lazy?hm..I wanna scream at the possible ghost in the house but I'll look crazy 


@Midnight_The_Bean uh so I kinda did,I told them they can't hide from my vision and stuff said they aren't allowed in my room or the living room and stuff nor allowed to follow so..I feel calm now randomly so I'ma do this more often/srs. Didn't yell tho cause windows open damn it.