
Finally, after a year of horrendous writers block I've finally finished chapter five. This chapter also concludes the preview of my book, and I'm planning of changing the title. But with that said I hope you all enjoy! Happy reading.


Finally, after a year of horrendous writers block I've finally finished chapter five. This chapter also concludes the preview of my book, and I'm planning of changing the title. But with that said I hope you all enjoy! Happy reading.


Hi. I'm not sure if you've noticed yet but the fourth chapter is out titled The Disciplinary Committee Intermediate Class. I might not have the fifth chapter out for a while but watch for it because it's going to have familiars in it!


Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't come out with the next chapter yet when I said I'd have it out soon almost two months ago, but the following Monday that I posted my last comment my school's librarian left and we only just got a new one earlier on this week. Again I apologize not updating you all on the situation and I appreciate your patience. The next chapter should be up by the end of next week.


Hey everyone, if you haven't read my profile yet, I would like you to know that I now have an account on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) and I go by Midna_Blacksun and I have started posting my book there as well. Can't wait to hear what you think of my book over on AO3!


Hi all!!! I have some exciting news, I just posted chapter 3 of my story. See I told you all it would be out soon. Now please remember to leave comments. COMMENTS GIVE ME MOTIVATION. All flames shall go Lance for his forge or Talon, my dragon. And I hope you all pray that my plot bunny, Val, will be nice and let me finish this story. Lots of love to my followers and readers - M. S. Helka 
          (P. S. - Please enjoy the new chapter!)


Hi everyone! I'm having some writer's block, but I should have chapter 3 out soon! It probably would have been finished by now except the school's computer decided to delete all of my music from my USB and I spent three days re-downloading all of them. Another thing is that no one has commented on my story so I don't know if it's good or not and comment motivate me to update faster. SO, PLEASE comment on my story. No flames please. All flames will be given to Lance for his forge or Talon, my dragon. And let's hope that my plot bunny, Val, won't keep running away with my plot.