
3adi 3adi maho 3atahom dah byzeed m3a el wa2t :@


Why hello person who is somewhere out there in the house that is 15 minutes away from mine. How are you on this fine day? Care to help me escape from my english speaking exam tomorrow? Fudge my school. FIRST LANGUAGE STUDENTS ARENT SUPPOSED TO TAKE THE SPEAKING AND LISTENING EXAM BUT THEY STILL GAVE THEM TO US!!! -__- 2al a 'extra qualification' 3shan ynf3na f l gm3a............3la asas enni fdya awi l ahlohm xDD


@heywot hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I swear the moment i saw the cover i was like "wait is that what i think it is" and i was like i'm makin an  account right away LOL how can i not recognize such a body hehe :)
          thank you ...i love you too in the most absolutly non akward way :D