
          	I will unpublish ‘Her Fearless Ways’ for further editing. As soon as it’s done, the story’s status will be “COMPLETED” for the remaining five chapters will be published as well.
          	Thank you! 


An update no one asked for:
          Good morning, my Melleodies! I’m sorry for being inactive for almost a week. 
          The Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers or LEPT was about to be released on an uncertain day last week, making me anxious and unfocused, thus, I wasn’t able to write and update. 
          But as the heavens had planned, my name was included on the list of passers for March 2024! 
          LPT na po ako!
          The overthinking, anxiety and restless doubts about my knowledge and the idea of not passing are slowly subsiding. I’m still floating on cloud nine up until this day so bare with me. 
          I will update as soon as possible and possibly upload all the remaining chapters in one sitting (that’s how much I missed writing lol). Thank you so much for understanding <33


Happy 3k reads to Her Fearless Ways! Just a few more chaps and we’re saying goodbye to Alfred and Malko! 
          Thank you sa lahat ng nagbabasa kahit hindi pa completed. I do hope to have interactions with my readers, my Melleodies. Remember that you are free to message me or comment on my story, I want to hear your thoughts huehue
          Again, thank you so much <33 (will update later)


Hi there sorry for plugging 
          Are you looking for a teen fiction story? It's a series po called "GOLDEN ACADEMY SERIES" read it na and explore our academy with our characters. 
          7 amazing writer and 7 different stories. Read na po 
          Here's the link of my series called "THE BATTLEFIELD AND ROMANCE" 

          Check my reading list nalang po andun Yung ka Collab ko sa series



Awww, thank you for adding my book to your readers list. I appreciate the manifestation. Muahh! (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)


@Melleodious sana mag enjoy ka(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


@Itim_na_pluma you’re very welcome! will read your book after ng mga nauna sa rl <33


Hello, permission to plug here. I just want to share and promote my story, if you're interested and willing to support my story I will be very glad. You can always check this out and you can also follow me for more updates. I really appreciate it if you'll try, thank you and Lovelots! 
          Have a nice day ahead. (⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠)


Hi sweety!Sorry for interrupting.I just want to promote my fantasy story to you.I hope you can visit it if you have a time.Thank you for you kindness.Have a nice day!!!


@TheButterCanFly hello! Now worries! I also hope you can visit my profile and read my stories as well if you have time. Let’s support each other <33 thank youuu!!!