
questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
You know what?
          Think about this; you're a telling a kid (not a teen, but worse, a kid) to kill them-self. Well.
          Imagine that this girl listened to you. She could slit her throat, drink bleach, hang herself, strange herself, etc, and whose fault is that? Yours.
          Imagine her family after they found out, how distraught they'd be with their young daughter's death. "Where did we go wrong?!"
          And they'd have no idea you were behind it all, you pathetic little shit. None of her friends would hear from her again, and she's loved by many.
          Not you though.
          You're the scratchy scum on earth that has to hate on people to enjoy them-self. 
          And you know what? Fuck you.


          I have written a song for you because you "SUCH" a "FABULOUS" B!tch! Okay, here it goes...
          Verse one:
          (As you can see, I-it's coming along...I still have 100 or so more verses to write ;))