
Confession: the first book in my new “confessions” series was named by my nine year old sister. We were having a barbecue and she looks up and goes, “look, there’s aeroplanes and the moon in the sky!” 
          	What did I do? Instantly open notes on my phone, go onto the poems note, and write that onto my list of titles. 
          	Also I don’t have BOOKS for some of the poems on that note, it makes me sad. 
          	Tldr? I’m going insane and I need to socialise right now or I will cry that is a THREAT 


Confession: the first book in my new “confessions” series was named by my nine year old sister. We were having a barbecue and she looks up and goes, “look, there’s aeroplanes and the moon in the sky!” 
          What did I do? Instantly open notes on my phone, go onto the poems note, and write that onto my list of titles. 
          Also I don’t have BOOKS for some of the poems on that note, it makes me sad. 
          Tldr? I’m going insane and I need to socialise right now or I will cry that is a THREAT 


Nine days without writing and I have FINALLY caved. I’m no better than I was, perhaps a little worse? But hey! We got a new book out of it. And the amount of editing I’m doing to my old poetry project is crazy. It was going to be this amazing success story. It fell through because I inevitably collapsed, so I’m incorporating that. It should be good. 
          ANYWAY! Go check out aeroplanes and the moon :) I’m proud of the cover so it deserves at least four million reads ;) 


@Melancholy_Poetry ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


@nightravenxx your support for me literally makes me so happy wtf 


Hey so uh, i don’t know who reads this. But I may have to put writing on a hold. I’ve been experiencing a lot of personal issues, and I had planned to put out the first official chapter of “warm-bloodied” by Sunday, but I simply can’t bring the words I need out onto the screen. The same goes for “sunflowers and ocean waves.” It’s very hard for me currently to look at life with rose tinted glasses, which is how that book experiences it. 
          I might publish a new, sad, poetry book simply to get everything out, but I don’t know. 
          A new poetry book I was working on for the past few months has just completely fallen through, with everything planned out and some of it written, it sits in my drafts. I think it’s too painful to read. 
          I’m sorry? I think? 
          I hope to be back and writing to my old standard some time soon, but until then I will continue to focus on myself. 


take all the time you need to start feeling better <3


I did that too. Publishing a sad poetry book. Hope it will help you ❤️


hello. is it okay if you'd read through my poetry? I'd love to hear from you. 


@Melancholy_Poetry ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Fear is just a set back, my love, don’t let it stop you from doing what you enjoy. From being the sort of person your younger self would be proud of. And if they’re not, in the meantime, I am! 


Ah, but my dear, aren’t we all? 