
This week's letter-writer needs help forgetting the most traumatic event of her life.


Greetings, I am a new aspiring poet on this platform, in a hasty attempt to reach out to like minded people, I am nothing but another mere being living amongst such. I have started my own series and will publish one piece off of my journal everyday, kindly give it an opportunity and share your views likewise. There are ten parts so far please give it a read and provide your honoured feedback. However my poetry is rather dark themed and suitable for mature readers only.



“Why Do I Procrastinate?” Read this week’s installment of Wattpad’s #1 column, HOW TO COPE WITH ANYTHING:


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@MeghanJoyceTozer Hello if you don't mind I wanna be your friend 


The next letter is up! This week at How To Cope With Anything: Someone Leaked My Nudes.
          Dear Meghan,
          I still haven't a clue how it began, but over the course of a couple of years someone hacked my social media accounts and shared extremely private photos of a sexual nature with people. Suddenly I found that people who had once respected me were extremely rude and abusive online, and that I was getting all kinds of disgusting and terrible propositions from men on dating apps. It has ballooned into people feeling justified in ignoring me or in attacking me verbally (even physically a few times I think, via pushing me or getting in my personal space). My "friends" all feel justified in entrapping me and in participating in the bullying. No one will speak to me without being cruel, and we are adults in our late 30s! It is heartbreaking. How do I get my life back?
          Someone Leaked My Nudes
          Read my response here:

          Don’t agree with my advice? Tell me so! This is an interactive advice column, so participation in the comments is highly encouraged.