
    So, I have an update (not stories) For this year am trying to write a book, like a physical book...I have tried to write a book before but when writing I had a lot going on and didn't finish, but am going to start a new novel and plan on finishing it this year, my goal is not to publish it this year but it finish it. 
          	  What does that mean for the stories on here?
          	    Well am still going to update them, am going to make myself a schedule for when to update my main stories since I don't update often. When writing this book am not going to have a lot of time to update here but I will update when I get the first chance too. 


    So, I have an update (not stories) For this year am trying to write a book, like a physical book...I have tried to write a book before but when writing I had a lot going on and didn't finish, but am going to start a new novel and plan on finishing it this year, my goal is not to publish it this year but it finish it. 
            What does that mean for the stories on here?
              Well am still going to update them, am going to make myself a schedule for when to update my main stories since I don't update often. When writing this book am not going to have a lot of time to update here but I will update when I get the first chance too. 


Hey... a lot has happened over the past few months... And not gonna lie I forgot about this app and my stories... I might stop writing the project 863 stories, Idk know right now. For My 9-1-1 one-shot am planning to keep that going but I just didn't feel like writing. 


Hey, sorry I have not updated my stories. I'm just doing my schoolwork. I have honor classes for the first time and that keeping me on my feet. I'm planning to update soon and if you have seen how my writing style changes a lot in the story I'm just trying to find the type that best. Have a good day ✨


Man, I was on a roll updating my stories! But I just found out that I have sleep anxiety (sleep anxiety is a feeling of stress or fear about going to sleep.) And can cause sleep deprivation which I am. Plus having school is hard enough. I will try my best to update as frequently as I can.


@LexiFinny235 I think I know what the cause is(but like you said this is a public conversation) but 10th grade is stressful due to all the new classes and stuff


@MeganHuff9 Oh man, Sleep Anxiety sucks. I have those nights  where I just stay up till I fall asleep around 3 or 4 in the morning! Something like that also happened to me last night. But that was the Anxiety from thinking that my mom was coming to my apartment this morning, ending up falling asleep around 9is last night before waking up somewhere around 12:30 or 1 in the morning. Did some cleaning before going back to bed around 2am, slept easier after that. Sometimes Sleep Anxiety is caused by something you needed to do but didn't want to do during the day, yeah the human mind is funny like that. 
            School can be hard especially if you have some sort learning trouble (This is a public Conversation but you know what I mean) but remember you can always ask for help. Sometimes we need to walk away from the creative part of our minds for sometime, any type of pause is just part of the Writing Process. Sometimes I will step away from a story to take a break from it because I need to or I step away from one story just to start another because sometimes my creativity is just to strong. But hey just do want you think you need to do. Your readers and followers will understand.


Hey, I know I make a lot of messages. I just wanted to say you are beautiful, you're handsome, don't let someone put you down. You get up and try your best that is all that matters. And if you need to talk to someone talk to someone. ✨✨


Hey Guys, how is your summer going? Well, my summer is boring. All I have doing is sitting at home and getting sighed into this program(about college even though I'm in high school still) I did have a little fun.
              So, about writing. I will update my project 863 story and I'm going to try and update both if I can.


     Hey! I just wanted to tell y'all something. As I was taking a break here. I was working on a book. This book I'm trying to turn it into a physical book not online anywhere, like a paper book.
              Over years of me writing( even before I got on Wattpad.) I have gotten better. So I thought I would write a book. Well, I'm not going to publish it, I'm not that good. Just thought it would be fun.
              I might consider posting it here when I'm finished since I'm writing online then print it out.


Hey, so, as I said; I was going to update my stories in the summer. Well sadly someone very close to me has passed away. And I'm not looking forward to writing, so when I feel much better I will update. And all these exams. I'm tired, I just want to give up and cruel up in a ball and cry.