
"Slip" has been reposted since the Wattys are coming up.


Hi, Everyone,
          So I'd like to take a vote. How many of you feel like "Slip" is complete?
          Depending on how many people vote complete or not I may turn what was set to be the second half of "Slip" into a separate project. It will definitely be a sequel.
          Please comment below with your thoughts.
          Thanks for reading.


Hey Everyone,
          The Wattys 2023 Shortlist has been announced and I'm unfortunately not on it, but that's okay. Better luck next year, right? However, this does mean a change in my release schedule. I will aim to release a new chapter/part once a month, but it will be complete instead of releasing segments of each. I am looking forward to returning to that schedule and I hope you'll all keep reading.
          McKenzie Paige Odom


I have just started "The Last Wainwright Escapee" chapter in my story "Slip." I hope this is still accepted by Wattys 2023 and that you are still enjoying it. This chapter features the return of Dirk the Demon to the stage and was initially set to be the end of my book for last year's Wattys, but it is actually only the first half. The second half features a sidekick and a nemesis. Stay tuned for more updates soon.