


          I’m about to finish school which ends next week, so the remaining months foreword, I’ll be active on here once again, yeheyyyy !!! I know for a fact I’ve been delaying my chapter for so long but the truth is, it’s been exhausting trying to keep up with my book with a lot of academics on my plate. I just couldn’t keep up, so I was like “screw deadlines at this point since school’s about to end” since I’ve been extremely busy. I have been taking a very long break lately, and it feels good for my mental health, but saying I’ll be posting the chapter within a week and not having the motivation to do it is detrimental, especially with writers block. I’ve been using lots of my creative energy into my school work, to the point I’ve gotten exhausted and in need of something to recharge that. So, thanks again for being patient with me, but don’t worry. My story is still continuing, and I plan to at least finish it by this year, hopefully. I hope this clears things up, and I hope I can get all these other tight deadlines in time, heheheh


          Due to things in my life starting to clear up, I might be able to release Chapter 12 of WUW next Friday! I’ve finally finished my draft and I just need to polish some aspects. But it’ll be out in no time. Sorry for the delay! 


          Hi! I’m just here to announce by the time the 12th chapter comes out, I’ll be going on hiatus for the rest of April. Why? Well, lots of things are going on in school that I’m part of, and I’m part of the production crew of our upcoming play coming out on May. Due to this, I’ll be busy the whole April, managing promotions, memorizing my lines and doing official art. (Real ones know Florante at Laura) Aside from this, lots of school projects are coming up so I need to prepare for that. Hope you understand and please be patient with me. But eventually, I promise I’ll get back to posting in no time. Perhaps writing chapters in advance too? Then again, most of my publishing days are weekly or monthly so it’ll take some time. Luckily, Chapter 12 is almost finished and will be out in no time (I hope.) So please bare with me and enjoy the rest of your day. Have a good night/morning/evening/afternoon. 
          - <333