
Hello everyone I know it's been a while rest assured I'm alive and well after all I'm not that easy to get rid of and hope and pray you're fine and well too. Anyway potluck we all had them in school so my question is you do anything in those bring anything did you eat in those. Me I didn't bring anything nor did I eat because I'm just not the type to do so I guess you could say I never felt connected like a family that my school was trying to go to or connected in generally because of that I just kept my distance didn't want to ruin the moment they were having.


Hello :3


            I see then I shall also put my trust in you as well. And with that being defined and clear now what do you want to do now. I'll give the reins to you now.


Shake on it, you seem responsible, cite your name being « Mature Adult » so I believe you are someone that can be trusted.


            Right, so then given are now do you still think we can get along after telling you a fair bit about myself. Shall we shake on it then? Though I do believe the amount of information shared should be reciprocated by the other party that being you.


Hey, it's me from that @TotallyNotHawks_ conversation thread. I know you said see you never again but I just wanted to point out how funny, out of place but so appropriate at the same time your comment looked over there. Your name just adds to the crazy coincidence. It was like you were our common friend - "the mature adult of the group" - feeling proud that we were talking like "mature adults" and not be at each other's throat for whatever issue we had. 
          Needless to say, you added some much needed (at least for me) levity to that thread, so thank you so much for that. <3


            Hmm, honestly I was just being me and who I am but hey if you got something good from it then all the better I say. So, I'll accept you're thank you even and say you're welcome even if I don't think it's hardly worth being thanked for but good to be unknowing of service and help to you. And trust me I know how random that might have been I thought about before actually posting it but however I am not a coward so I did regardless of how it may have been taken. Though I must say you're the first never have I been likened to something like that before but I'm fine with your interpretation in fact I'd go so far to say I like as such and would rather keep it that way. So, I won't do anything to ruin such a thing.


Hello everyone I know it's been a while rest assured I'm alive and well after all I'm not that easy to get rid of and hope and pray you're fine and well too. Anyway potluck we all had them in school so my question is you do anything in those bring anything did you eat in those. Me I didn't bring anything nor did I eat because I'm just not the type to do so I guess you could say I never felt connected like a family that my school was trying to go to or connected in generally because of that I just kept my distance didn't want to ruin the moment they were having.


Having return to a library after years I can say I now understand the appeal of library yes it makes sense now so with that said who wants to go the library with me we can do that one cliche things as seen in shows or movies in said library don't worry I do in fact have a library card and it's one also count on me to lead the way.


So, who here gotten their new passport? I'm in the process of preparing to get mine if only the internet worked but it's okay I'll make it work when I want to I make things work somehow as you can tell I'm feeling quite confident for a while now I don't know why I just am and it's going up and up and up it's any interesting feeling new feeling all things considered.


Hey, who doesn't mind getting a hug for a long time it any number of people can join as well I want to test Thermal Equilibrium see how long it'll take anyone who agrees I'll do one thing for you for free because I'm amazing when I want to be and can do anything and everything if I so please.


Who wants to join me I want to go somewhere in the future and I won't tell my parents until the day of so they can suffer like I did when they never told me anything and just say hey get ready we are leaving tomorrow to this place by ready honestly I'm going to give them a taste of their own medicine.


Right so maybe this me but I always see in media whether it's show, book, or video games that there's also this one pair of characters that are always close like grow up together close it's one thing if it's family though I don't really get understand anyway back to my point what's with the childhood friend troupe so often personally I don't believe that's a real thing just like how I don't believe actually get McDonald's it's just I've never seen anything in my life to say otherwise and until I do I won't believe in it.


I feel so conflicted right now usually if at all I'm not an able to remain cool headed and be the voice of reason and while this isn't a huge deal it's just happening so fast which not unexpected but still I don't know in the long run this really won't affect my ability to be any less helpful or do my work because it's honestly not all that it just I'm never been put in situations like these to really know the steps of what to do.