
So, I’m feeling slightly better and have spent the last couple days slowly plucking away on the next Young Justice and LoK chapters. I’ve finished the next Legend of Korra chapter and will have it uploaded tomorrow. I focused on it because it’s much shorter than the Young Justice one and I just wanted to get back in the swing of things. 
          	That being said the Young Justice chapter is about half way done and I’ll keep working away on that. It’ll for sure be the next chapter uploaded as I’ve finally figured out what I want to do with season 4 and my own “season 5”. 
          	Thanks again for your support. 


@Matt-From-Wii You’re welcome my friend, and do your best work on this stories


So, I’m feeling slightly better and have spent the last couple days slowly plucking away on the next Young Justice and LoK chapters. I’ve finished the next Legend of Korra chapter and will have it uploaded tomorrow. I focused on it because it’s much shorter than the Young Justice one and I just wanted to get back in the swing of things. 
          That being said the Young Justice chapter is about half way done and I’ll keep working away on that. It’ll for sure be the next chapter uploaded as I’ve finally figured out what I want to do with season 4 and my own “season 5”. 
          Thanks again for your support. 


@Matt-From-Wii You’re welcome my friend, and do your best work on this stories


So I have some unfortunate news. In the past few days I’ve gotten incredibly sick and won’t be able to work on the next Young Justice chapter. 
          I’m taking the week off just to rest and recover, so I’m pushing the release of the chapter back a week. (Can’t remember if I said this or not but it was originally going to be up next weekend.) 
          Thanks for all your continued support and I should be back to writing in no time. 


@ Matt-From-Wii it's okay mate, I hope you get better soon!


Take all the time you need to get better


@Matt-From-Wii Do your best healthy my friend


Salut quel univers tu aimerais écrire à l'avenir ?


@Matt-From-Wii Est-ce que tu pourrais faire une histoire avec un Self Insert qui arrive dans le MCU ? As-tu vu la série du MCU Les Agents du SHIELD ?


I’m not entirely sure. I began work on a Vox Machina book but only wrote about half a chapter. I’ve written several chapters of a Hawkeye book because I love that marvel tv show but stopped a while ago because it was taking too much time away from my current books and I didn’t want to abandon them. I may end up doing a poll after I wrap up my current books just to see what people want. I’m hesitant to do any time period of Star Wars as it’s such massive universe and a book would literally take me forever. Same can be said with the MCU. But I’d be open to write a book about anything so long as I enjoy the source material.  


New Legend of Korra chapter soon! Print this weekend if not before. I got on a bit of a writing streak for that book because the next couple of episodes to cover are some of my favourites. 
          Anyway the new chapter “Metal Clan” is about 85-90% done. Just need to touch up a few parts and read it over once. 
          I’ll probably try to finish up the next Young Justice chapter after this one as it’s got about 2000 words in it so far. Also the next Young Justice chapter will mark the start of season 4 and set the stage for the “finale” arc I have planned after season 4 wraps up. 
          I you guys have any questions DM me or ask them here and I’ll do my best to answer without spoiling anything. 
          Thanks again for your support and have a great day! 


New Legend of Korra chapter tomorrow! 
          Sorry for the delay again. I appreciate all the support you guys give. 
          Thanks again. 


@ Matt-From-Wii  it's okay, mate. No need to apologize 


@Matt-From-Wii Do your best same as Young Justice next chapter soon after Legend of Korra 


Ladies and gentleman, I’m nack! New Young Justice chapter will be posted THIS Friday. And shortly after that I’ll have a LOK chapter up. 
          Thanks for sticking with me through the school season, I should have more free time to write over the summer so hopefully updates will be coming out faster than normal. 
          I’ll talk to you guys on Friday! 


@Theofifa08 Sorry, no spoilers. You’ll have to wait and see. : ) 


@ Matt-From-Wii  well than i guess i'll just wait.
            BTW, you got me to buy the division 2 and this got me into shooter games.
            I am very thankfull for this because my Playstation has gotten really dusty before playing Division 2


@ Matt-From-Wii  we talkin bout Keeners return and Kelso going rouge or only the aspect of Keener returning and keeping Kelso where she is


@Matt-From-Wii are you okay?


Yeah I’m fine. Been busy with exams and was sick most of the previous month. I haven’t had a lot of free time to write. But on the bright side I’m aiming to have the next YJ chapter up sometime in the next week. I’ve almost finished writing it and just have to read it over once after that. 


Hey, I hope you’re all doing well. I felt like I need to make this post as it’s been far too long since I’ve posted an update to either book I’m working on. 
          As many of you may be able to guess, I’m right in the middle of exam season and this year has been especially busy with lots of projects and exams to complete in this month and last. 
          It goes without saying that the overwhelming amount of school work has left me with almost no free time to write. When I do have time I am way too tired to work more than a few minutes. 
          However I have made significant progress on the next Young Justice chapter and started the next LOK chapter. With exams wrapping up in the next two weeks I’ll be able to return to my normal schedule. 
          So hang in there, the next chapter will be up soon. Thanks for your support and patience. 


@ Matt-From-Wii  it's completely understandable. It's better to focus on your studies. I wish you the best of luck in the exams


@Matt-From-Wii Okay I understand, do your best in School work. 


@Matt-From-Wii are you still alive?


@Matt-From-Wii That okay my friend, do your best work of this stories. ;) 


Yes I am. Unfortunately life happened and in addition to exam season arriving I’ve had very little time to write. The next Young Justice chapter is about halfway done but unfortunately the next LOK chapter has anout six words in it. I’ll work as hard as I can to get it uploaded whenever I have time. So sorry for the delay. 