
Hello everyone. I'm sure some of y'all are asleep but I wanted to know if I could vent to somebody on here bc I've been going through some stuff and if there's something someone needs to vent about I'm here. I just really need someone to talk to and I don't feel like talking about it with my family bc then they will be upset and I don't want to upset them. But the point is that I'm asking if someone can message me saying I can vent to them about this so I can try and help myself and whoever else needs to vent. I would greatly appreciate it.


Hello everyone. I'm sure some of y'all are asleep but I wanted to know if I could vent to somebody on here bc I've been going through some stuff and if there's something someone needs to vent about I'm here. I just really need someone to talk to and I don't feel like talking about it with my family bc then they will be upset and I don't want to upset them. But the point is that I'm asking if someone can message me saying I can vent to them about this so I can try and help myself and whoever else needs to vent. I would greatly appreciate it.


What do y'all think of how they changed Wattpad? I don't like it, I can't read a single one of my stories anymore. I wonder why they even changed it in the first place, it was perfectly fine the way it was, a whole lot easier too if I do say so myself. Bunch of buttheads changing Wattpad, so rude. Hopefully they change it back soon though.


Thanks for adding my book to your reading list.


Aww thanks I hope you like it. I see you added the sequel too. I hope you like that one also. 


@Queen_221464 you're welcome, I'm sure it will be awesome 


Hey guys! I have a question, if any of you have seen the movie Four Brothers please write a few stories about it. Examples: Four Brothers x reader, Jack Mercer x reader, or Bobby Mercer x reader. I've already tried searching for some stories involving Four Brothers but I can't find any. If you have any questions just message me on here please. I would really appreciate it.


I'm thinking of deleting my story, what do y'all think?


Oh you should post an announcement asking 


@taotro I don't know what to write to continue it, if I knew someone that would continue it I would let them


Awe I really like it, why?


Does anyone know any good stories on The Walking Dead, L4D, L4D2, and Creepypasta? I can't find anymore to read. Please let me know if you find anything like that.


Thank you for the follow and I love your about me and your profile picture. I'm a fan of Masky and a lot of other creepypasta characters. ^^ 


@Dark_As_Night_2018 no problem I like your profile pic and about me. I have another account besides this one if you want it, up to you?