
If anyone’s wondering why I haven’t been active recently it’s because I took a break on CRK.
          	Secondly it’s because I was busy speedrunnin CRK and Witch’s Castle so…good times.


@MaryDominiqueEchavez All good, take as much time as you need


If anyone’s wondering why I haven’t been active recently it’s because I took a break on CRK.
          Secondly it’s because I was busy speedrunnin CRK and Witch’s Castle so…good times.


@MaryDominiqueEchavez All good, take as much time as you need


Hello Lilac!.
          My name is #!a) but call me Galaxy for now. I wanted to ask if I could borrow/use your CRK AU. The Sixth Lost Ancient AU if not then that's fine I just wanna make a book with your AU and my AU.
          Hope you're doing well Lilac. I just finished reading The Sixth Ancient Book and it is AMAZiNG!. I hope you don't get offended by this request of mine. I just wanna borrow your AU for my book but if you don't want to then I understand.
          Sayonara for now Lilac.
                                                                                                          -Sincerely Galaxy #!a).


            Alright thank you for this!. I hope you're doing well and have a good day!.
                                                                            -Sincerely Galaxy #!a).


Hello Lilac sorry for the late reply!.
            I mean borrow or use your AU meaning I have access to the characters and some of the storyline. For example, the fact Gingerbrave has a soul jam around his neck, or the main 5 have joined forces with the Ginger Cookies. As you can see I just wanna fuse our stories together. But that is your choice if you grant me permission to your AU. If not then I'll think of something else.
            I only request this because your AU is amazing and I just wanna borrow/use it so my imagination can flow while making a book to honor your amazing AU. If you grant me permission that is. I hope you don't get offended by this request and of course, you will have some credit for the book I will be making.
            Sayonara for now Lilac!.
                                                                                                                                     -Sincerely Galaxy #!a).


Hey author! Just one of your fans of your book being crk fanfic the sixth lost ancient? I was wondering if I could ask a few questions and thoughts about it cause I'm planning to make a fanfic of crk soon. 


Sure, I’m actually just taking a backseat for Sixth Lost Ancient for now because of all the updates lately-


this message may be offensive
‘Why do you make friends with weird people’ 
          Bitch ass, I don’t think normal people know the entire lore of one single lego show. 


@MaryDominiqueEchavez and nobody knows the names of a show better than me. (Except for the True Fans of said character/show)


 I think I’m just too overwhelmed by the amount of fandoms I’m in.
          Like PJO, Ninjago, LMK and CRK….
          I’ve already left the THSC fandom because I barely have any motivation for it anymore…
          So for the time being, I’ll have a break on the CRK famdom, just so I can manage myself back a bit-


@MaryDominiqueEchavez Yeah go ahead, you deserve it. And also, I think Saint Phoenix Cookie can be the sixth original holder. He can either be fallen or not fallen.