
You guys are absolutely incredible!!! Anybody who has followed me over to Dreame has made it so Unexpected Mates is now in the VIP category, meaning I can support myself by writing thanks to you guys!  Seriously so in awe of how amazing you all are. ❤️


I navigated to Dreamer, but the type was so small I couldn’t read your story, if you know how I can make the type 
          	  Bigger, I’ll glad read your work there.


Ik heb de boek tot de láátste hoofdstuk gelezen en ben egt benieuw wat mio  en mia gaan behalen wie word het en hoe gaat Eva. En gab het doen ik hoop dat ze nog lang gelukig blijfen kan egt niet wachten dat er een update komt egt een gewéldig verhaal en niet te erg kwa drama egt een familie verhaal heel mooi hou hier van groetjes je nieuwe lezer op dream


Hey love the book is there a way I can continue to read it with out dreame it's so expensive and I really want to finish it. I'd rather buy the hard copy but please let me know if there a way I can read it with out dreame


@LindseyMarie857 I’m so sorry I haven’t responded until now. Unfortunately I am under contract with Dreame to have UM only on their online platform. If I had the money to invest in it, I could sell physical copies, but at this point I haven’t found an option that I can afford. I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience.


I feel the same way.


Hi! I read your book Unexpected Mates a while back and I absolutely loved it! I came across it again recently and I hope you write a sequel soon following Mia's story! 


@LindaVu556 hi! Thank you so much!! That makes me so happy!  The goal is to eventually have Mia’s story. I’m working on it slowly but surely!


@LindaVu556 is there a way to read it with out dreame


Are you writing a book about Mia from unexpected mate. Is this going to be a series with their lives


@KerryRoberts3 hi! I know you wrote this forever go, but I just saw it and wanted to reply. I am doing my best to write a story about Mia, but it’s difficult because the farther I get with her story, the more I realize how much is missing from Avery’s. The way it’s looking right now is that Mia’s story might become a series and Avery’s will serve more as a prequel. 
            Thanks for your interest!


I just read unexpected mates  on dreame. I love it and was wondering if there is/was going to be an actual book to purchase?


Hi! Thank you so much for this! At this point I haven’t gone the physical copy route, but it seems like quite a few people may be interested, so I’m definitely going to give it a look and see if I can afford to do it. Again, seriously thank you for your interest. 


Hi your book caught my attention on face book and have started to read it on Dream. I got to chapter 7 and have to pay to carry on reading it, will I have to pay for each chapter after that or is it a one off payment? I have tried to find it on amazon but can't.