
i need someone to talk to about season 4 umbrella academy 


Aslan's Mane, it's been a while since we last talked xD. I hope you do remember me tho, it'd be really embarrassing if you don't—
          (We last talked on 28th January, according to my PMs)
          How are you, Mariena? Is life okay? And... *deep breath* when can we be expecting an update for Dusk? I freaking love the book (you know it) and I suppose we DO need to know Peter and Celest's relationship now, considering the Queen of Drogon has gone back to her land.


@MarienaNight yayy, I'll be waiting! <333


hey @austeries_sage yes! i do plan on finishing it, a lot has been going on with college and whatnot but an update should be on the way!! 