
What news to wake up to… 
          	Akira Toriyama had such an influence in the world. In fact, were It not for his work, most franchises we love likely wouldn’t exist. He inspired a generation, arguably multiple.
          	I wouldn’t be writing without my love for Dragon Ball and his work. So thank you Toriyama :3


What news to wake up to… 
          Akira Toriyama had such an influence in the world. In fact, were It not for his work, most franchises we love likely wouldn’t exist. He inspired a generation, arguably multiple.
          I wouldn’t be writing without my love for Dragon Ball and his work. So thank you Toriyama :3


There I was back to back with Jesus. Bible in my right hand machine gun in the left. Ready to bless these unholy thots with the divine sauce. I ran out of ammo so I yelled across the Orphanage Jesus I need a melee weapon. Never in my life have I seen a Mexican throw a sandal so fast in my life. 657 prostitutes fell that day to the holy sandal of Mexican Jesus. That day went down in history as the Great Coochie Wars.
          Happy new year everyone. It’s a tradition for me now to post this every year. Look forwards to it next year.


            That's my favorite story roshi have ever told