
Hi, Magic Readers! 
          	So, as you know that Wattpad got rid of DM but if you want to get in touch with me 
          	Here's ways that you can:
          	 My Discord: magicstar1020
          	And my Instagram: magicalanastasia1020
          	My email:
          	My Facebook link is in my bio. 
          	I'm sorry for not writing more. I've been unmotivated. But if you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out but tell me how you'd found me because I meet a lot of people. Thank you for staying with me through this incredible journey throughout my life. Either it's personal or private thank you! But keep reading and make sure you vote. Feel free to reach out.


Hi, Magic Readers! 
          So, as you know that Wattpad got rid of DM but if you want to get in touch with me 
          Here's ways that you can:
           My Discord: magicstar1020
          And my Instagram: magicalanastasia1020
          My email:
          My Facebook link is in my bio. 
          I'm sorry for not writing more. I've been unmotivated. But if you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out but tell me how you'd found me because I meet a lot of people. Thank you for staying with me through this incredible journey throughout my life. Either it's personal or private thank you! But keep reading and make sure you vote. Feel free to reach out.


Hi Magic Readers!
          It's been awhile since I've posted on my Conversations. I got a letter from my high school superintendent saying that the Board of education has accepted my appointment and welcome to the Family. My second job is a Substitute Support Staff for Special Olympics after school on Wednesdays. But I was wondering if there's anybody who makes covers for their stories and make them for free. Then please message me. I need a cover for True Roommates a redo. Feel free to message me. I'm asking those people who make their own covers or just make peoples covers for free then message me because I want a cover done. I'm looking for those who does covers for FREE


this message may be offensive
So you have the right to call Devin a toxic friend when in reality you are because you make people wanna kill them selves magic I’m not about to sit here watching you tell everyone that he’s a toxic friend when you are so shut the fuck up you damn furry the day you called me a dumb bitch is the Day I lost all respect for you, so watch your self MAGIC! I may be a 16-year-old but I still put you a 21-year-old in your place so please try me


So are we still friends or what, because you said you were going to block me on all social media and I would block you. I'm just wondering why you haven't blocked me here on Wattpad. Cause if I'm as toxic as you say, then you would have blocked me. Cause let me be completely honest, I've been friends with you for 4 years is it?  It was a great 4 years if I must  continue being honest. I never wanted to stay friends as long as I did. But I did because I saw a lot of potential within you. I was dumb to believe that someone that wants to defend and be strong was afraid of a girl younger than you. I know that you never truly cared about me as a friend, because let's face it, whenever we played rdo, you leave when we are in a shootout, you also leave whenever someone says something that bothers you, but you say things that bother us all the time. Also when we played Minecraft you only watched me build and never offered help, but only complemented on how you like my stairs and stuff like that.I guess what really tarnished our friendship was when you gave me your address, and I told your sister. So what if your mom yelled at you for it. You won't yell at me for telling me your address when you should know better. You tell me that you don't care, confirming my suspicion, and you tell me you only care about my career. So do you or do you not care. Best wishes your insanely toxic four year friend.


Hi Magic Readers!!!!
          I'm sorry for not posting on here. I've been busy with work at the library, getting my Fingerprints for the second job, and watching our 14 dogs. I have started writing a new short story called: "True Friends" it's going to be a hypothetical different version of me as in What If I was different? What would I be like type. I'm going to play safe because of what happened last time when I was in school.


Hi Magic Readers, I am officially back but bad news what I'm using won't let me type in my Stories which is unbelievable and ridiculous. Because I have so much to tell you in My Diary. So if you want to know feel free to message me. I am furious with Zane's outburst behavior. My used to be younger brother. I missed you all.