

@MadelineHatter15307 yes I haven't read it yet but I will later :)



@MadelineHatter15307 yes I haven't read it yet but I will later :)


Hi everyone!! Remember me? :)
          It's been like two years since my last message on here! Wow, time flies, doesn't it? After all this time and going back to read the comments I've received on my stories, I thought I owed it to you all to give you some sort of explanation for why my posting stopped... 
          These past two years have honestly been the most busy years of my life because, well, I'm actually graduating soon! Isn't that weird? I feel so old now lol. I honestly really struggled because getting older kind of sucks, especially if you're like me and you have really bad anxiety. Learning how to deal with it has been... a journey, to say the least haha. And the world is so different now after covid! It seems like one new thing after another... things are changing, definitely, and it's difficult to navigate...
          Admittedly, it made me a little nervous coming back here. I wasn't sure what I would find, or if anyone still read these stories, which were the first stories I ever published anywhere. I was really surprised to still see comments from people, and oh my gosh, the first book is almost at 1M views!! I can't believe it, honestly! And you're all way too nice to me, I really can't say how much all of you mean to me, and how much your support has helped me through the toughest parts of my life <3
          Anyway, my eternal gratitude aside, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm posting such a long message... I guess, I'm just unsure of whether anyone would want me to update the third book anymore? Does anyone still want an update, or would it be better to leave it as it is? As we all know, I can't promise a consistent update schedule, but I recognize that some parts of these stories mean a lot to some people (even if just for a laugh, I know it can get quite silly lol!), and I'd be willing to try and keep the magic alive :)
          So if anyone sees this, let me know!! Thank you, and I love you all <33


@MadelineHatter15307 congrats on graduating! I saw the update for the book and i was like omg. Your stories never fail to make me laugh and brighten my days. They are so much fun to read. Hope all is well!!!!


@XDemonTamerX Thank you, and I hope the same for you!!
            Wow, a new reader! That's so cool, I didn't know people were still finding my stories lol! I hope you enjoy them :D 
            I'm really hoping to finish this series one day, if only to say that I finally did it.. so thank you for your support!! <33


@purplepeep4 Thank you so much!!! I'm going to dip my toes back into posting again, we'll see how it goes!! <3


Hi MadlineHatter15307 I hope you are doing well and are happy with everything going on in your life I know all of it can be hard sometimes we need a little help I get that but I just got done reading Harry Potter Reader 3 year and was wondering if you were working on more chapters for it ir what because it is a really good book and I like it and it is the only thing keeping me here and not going insane so yeah just checking in on you 
          Are you ok?


@Hollywood12395 (Sorry for the late reply!!) I hope you're doing okay still!! I promise that things will get better :) And I'm so glad that my books inspired you to write something of your own, it's such a huge compliment to me!! I'll be sure to check out your story !! <33


@MadelineHatter15307  Hi yes I am doing splendidly but I hate school so much you have no idea I hope you have a good gradation and have a good life and if you were still wondering yes I would really like to see more of Harry Potter x Reader 3 year because again it is the only thing keeping me insane here in this crazy world 
            Also, you are welcome for checking up on you I get it we all need to stick together in this crazy hell hole of a world 
            And also sorry for just now replying back to you I just logged back on because Wattpad wants to for some reason keeping kicking me out like wtf  but other than that I am good
            and I just wanted to tell you that your books were so inspirational that I am writing my own book you can find it on my profile page of it called How the Love Story Became it is a Harry Potter x reader :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) <3 <3


@Hollywood12395 Oh thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed what's posted so far and that it's been helping you through things! I understand life has gotten a little hectic, so I hope you're doing well <3 I'm trying to see how many people would want another chapter to see if I should write more, so would you still want it? 
            Also I'm doing better now, thank you! <33


Madeline u good? I have been waiting years fr i think u might have lost ur acc or smth 


@bookish_nymph101 Haha no sorry, I didn't lose my account, just been really busy and I haven't really had time to log on and see what's happening. I'm alright though, thank you for asking! <3


Hello! How are you? I hope you're well<3 I'm just wondering when another chapter would be up? Though, take your time!! No pressure :) 


@-galactism Hello! I'm so sorry for the really late reply! I suppose I'm trying to get a feel for what you guys want. Do you all still want a chapter? I'm not sure how good it would be, and I would have to remember where I left off, but I think I would be willing to write some again. Thank you so much for checking! <33


Hey how are you 
          Hope you are fine (mental and physical health wise) 
          Still waiting for the update (no pressure) 


@MadelineHatter15307 hey! How are you? Its july 7 and im wondering what happened since the last update.


@Nessa_444 I've been struggling ngl but don't worry about it <3 I have no idea when I'll update next but I hope one day I can get to it. Thank you for checking in, sorry for the late reply!