
....did I start a stranger things book instead of working on amara's? maybe. do i regret it? i might later, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it


I PROMISE that i'm working on amara's story! just got a lil' bit sidetracked


hey everyone! i know it’s been a long time since i’ve last updated either of my books. to be honest, i was falling out of motivation to write and seeing as my book wasnt too popular at the time i didn’t think that people would mind. but after coming back here i’ve chosen to continue writing amara’s story-the next update should be out before the week is up and thank you for all of your votes and comments


I love your defying the star book are u going to finish the sequel


@motogirl115112 yes I am! I’m so sorry, life gets a little crazy at times, hopefully I’ll be back to my normal schedule by the end of November, but until then it will be slow updates . Thank you for your message and I’m god you like my book!


Hello! I was just wondering if you are updating the rewrite the stars book.


Np! I love your books there really good!


@ThatOneSlytherin13 hi!! Yes I am, I should update it at least once this week, life just for a little crazy . Also thank you for all of your comments-they gave me motivation to want to write


Happy birthday to the first fictional character that I had a crush on! I’ve been slow on writing more of Amara’s second book (sorry about that) but if you guys would like it then I can try to write a small bonus one shot of Harry and Amara!


Happy (late) Fourth of July! If you don't celebrate it, happy July!
          I just completed Amara's first book, the sequel should be up here any minute now! thank you guys for the support, and I hope that you enjoy!