
Hello everyone! I know I haven't posted a bit over a month now and I truly apologize for that I have had some... interesting invents happen recently...and let's just say my tío married the evil stepmother of Cinderella... and to put it faint I can say she isn't physically hurting my baby primas but mentally she is... she also tends to take advantage of my abuelos y abuelas kindness and these past weeks were definitely interesting especially since my tía is very overprotective with her family, but I truly am sorry for not posting I thought I would be able to rest and take it easy while being able to write without no distractions or feeling rushed when I went to my tío wedding but as you can tell it went the opposite but I will be able to post sometime next week, other then that I hope your doing well amors and have a good night? Or good rest of the day? 


@Macayla098 Sorry to hear this and take your time, no body's in a rush


hello!! I saw that you are rewriting your Haitian brothers story, I don't know if you remember me, I asked you if I could translate it, do you want me to translate what you are rewriting or did I leave it like that? 


@ Macayla098  No Problem!!


@Fuyiuuuuu__ Oh ok sorry I didn't realize but thank u so much<3


@ Macayla098  In each chapter that I translate I always give you credits at the end. I think I will continue translating your story, since it is very interesting 


Hello everyone! I know I haven't posted a bit over a month now and I truly apologize for that I have had some... interesting invents happen recently...and let's just say my tío married the evil stepmother of Cinderella... and to put it faint I can say she isn't physically hurting my baby primas but mentally she is... she also tends to take advantage of my abuelos y abuelas kindness and these past weeks were definitely interesting especially since my tía is very overprotective with her family, but I truly am sorry for not posting I thought I would be able to rest and take it easy while being able to write without no distractions or feeling rushed when I went to my tío wedding but as you can tell it went the opposite but I will be able to post sometime next week, other then that I hope your doing well amors and have a good night? Or good rest of the day? 


@Macayla098 Sorry to hear this and take your time, no body's in a rush


Hi I saw you on YouTube saying you account name and stories so I decided to come check it out


@Macayla098 i also do wis btw


@Macayla098 Wait u have a yt account omg can you tell me your name ill subscribe u O.O


@Inhale8 eh!? I'm glad someone came to check my account