
          	Thank you c;
          	and its no problem.I love your username ^.^


salaamz nd heyy!!! just wanna say thnnxx for the message...meanz alot to know people out ther do read em...may allah(swt) reward yu..ameen! nd ive sent a belated jumuah message to everyone...all the reward goez to yu gurl for makin this happen by posting tht comment!!! mashallah :) btw...i havv to say again...ur profile is FREAKIN HILARIOUS!! MAKES ME LAUGH LOOADZ....HAHAHHAA :D i lovv it!!! one awwsome profile!!! LOL XD 


this message may be offensive
jazzie i hope you come on soon! sorry we havent spoken in AGES! kinda my fault. ugh anti-social syndrome is not fun! soooo yeah dm me when your on. i feel lonely, i have no followers. wattpads changed so much. i feel like spamming you. my bio is shit.  
          omg so many shit has happened since we last spoke.