
not me going through my feed and wanting to hug my past self; i feel so much better now and i’m glad I kept my thoughts on my feed so I could look through it again later (now) 


I've going to hang out with my auntie tomorrow. Then on Tuesday, I'm going to take my brother to his friends and I'll probably go to my aunt's.  On Wednesday, I'm going to meet my best friends for over 7 years. It's been a long time since I've seen them (3 years). Then someday soon, I'll be hanging out with my friends, who I'm trying to end things with. They deserve better than me. So, I'm going to explain it to them.


Apparently I was out with a boy (a story made by my uncle) and my aunt was telling my grandma I'm now pregnant and my mum is a grandmother. Ffs I'm 14 nearly 15, leave me alone. He is the same uncle that was waiting for my wedding out of all his nieces and nephews. 


How are you doing? It's been awhile.


@idkwhatwrongwyou Actually I take that back.


@idkwhatwrongwyou  Great since I've been hanging out at my cousin's.


@MWitsmeJK Great, how you been?