
Hi everyone! Don't know if you're still following me after so long, but just to let you know I'm still alive, although I wouldn't bet for how long. I had to cancers (and maybe a third, seeing my oncologist next week), nine surgeries cancer related, and one mRNA vaccine related, as it turns out I'm allergic to the thing and it ate two tendons in my right hand. Not great for typing. I also don't react well to anesthetic products, I've had brain fog for the best part of four years and major short term memory loss. 
          	I'm still writing but progress is slow, I'm often too tired or too sore to do it. 
          	So thank you for your patience and enjoy the summer!


@MProst  whilst you recover will you consider assuaging our  lust for your writing by disclosing your other nom de plume? I hate to think there is more I can't access.
          	  Take care, Liz


I thoroughly enjoyed the stories you have given us, they are truly a gift.  I hope you find health and peace.  Thank you for everything <3


@MProst Hey just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery! I loved your stories and can't wait for more but prioritize your health first. You said you wrote Historical Fiction, any chance you can let me know what it is? I'd love to read it.


Dear MProst,
          I was so sorry to read your post concerning your health, such dreadful news  and I'm sure we all wish you are on the road to recovery. Such issues have devastating effects on your life, family and creativity, so chin up and carry on fighting.
          I have so enjoyed reading the opening chapters of Royal Sentence again. I revisited it this week after first reading it when i joined wattpad in the hope it was completed. Of course when I searched I came across your explanation. My apologies I have no idea what other name you write under, but i hope it is revealed at some point as you are such an interesting writer.
          Sending you my very best wishes, Liz


Hi everyone! Don't know if you're still following me after so long, but just to let you know I'm still alive, although I wouldn't bet for how long. I had to cancers (and maybe a third, seeing my oncologist next week), nine surgeries cancer related, and one mRNA vaccine related, as it turns out I'm allergic to the thing and it ate two tendons in my right hand. Not great for typing. I also don't react well to anesthetic products, I've had brain fog for the best part of four years and major short term memory loss. 
          I'm still writing but progress is slow, I'm often too tired or too sore to do it. 
          So thank you for your patience and enjoy the summer!


@MProst  whilst you recover will you consider assuaging our  lust for your writing by disclosing your other nom de plume? I hate to think there is more I can't access.
            Take care, Liz


I thoroughly enjoyed the stories you have given us, they are truly a gift.  I hope you find health and peace.  Thank you for everything <3


@MProst Hey just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery! I loved your stories and can't wait for more but prioritize your health first. You said you wrote Historical Fiction, any chance you can let me know what it is? I'd love to read it.