I'm gonna be totally honest. Since Craig's my favorite, I really like ships with him in it... I think he's silly. But I may be giving up on my style thing to work on a crenny story. It's gonna be shorter than my creek one, but still. I also am probably going to get back into crocheting again bc my adhd is telling me to and who am I to deny it? Plus I think it's a cool thing to learn that'll keep me busy. 


i like and love you (platonically) 


@xinthux thanks bro. Ily and like you too. Platonically. Or not 


dont feel lonely 


I'm gonna be totally honest. Since Craig's my favorite, I really like ships with him in it... I think he's silly. But I may be giving up on my style thing to work on a crenny story. It's gonna be shorter than my creek one, but still. I also am probably going to get back into crocheting again bc my adhd is telling me to and who am I to deny it? Plus I think it's a cool thing to learn that'll keep me busy. 


Sigh. I just got done editing chapter 1 of my creek story. Because of how many errors there were and the lack of description, it took me a while. Also because there's like 6000 something words in it. It was just a pain in the ass to do but on the bright side I don't hate the chapter anymore and I think it will welcome new readers better now. Plus there's more of my newer style of writing in it now and that hooks ppl better than it did before. I'll probably look over my other things and edit them but I think I'm done for today. Goodnight. 


I've got a few things planned and I'm going to start writing them soon. I have a style, a stendy, and a couple of oneshots and other stories that aren't really based around ships and as well as one original story. It's not really an original idea, but still, you get the point. Can't wait to finish the creek story so I can feed yall more things. 


WHAT OTHER STORIES SHOULD I WRITE YALL like was ship's and what situations bc I need ideas. Give me plot ideas, please 
          I need smth other than Creek. I also don't really think I did a good job making and writing tweek's character, but that may just be me. ‍♀️

