I go to write in my random one shots and the entire story and all drafts are just gone. I'm so upset. I write everything on my phone so NJ I do not have backups. So I will have to rewrite however it wont be the same unfortunately.


Thanks so much for the follow. I hope you have a good time reading!


@MKDBoi No worries at all. I'd rather know you were comfortably enjoying them than commenting when you weren't feeling it.


@Loiosh I have been enjoying your stories. I may not comment much, but that has to do with my personal issues.


I go to write in my random one shots and the entire story and all drafts are just gone. I'm so upset. I write everything on my phone so NJ I do not have backups. So I will have to rewrite however it wont be the same unfortunately.


Sorry everyone between my dad dying and just last night my house caught fire I haven't been able to write much. I have a few chapters for learning truths but none for my one shots/multi shots. I haven't abandoned either story. Please give me time. I need to find new living arrangements and salvage what I can from my house. 


@MKDBoi I'm sorry to hear abt ur dad and house :(... I hope everything gets eventually better for u <3


Thank you so much for the votes on my story! I’m glad that you’re enjoying it!


Awesome! Well I hope it keeps you entertained!


@multibear3 I am and I don't usually go for cis males in the stories I read. But this one caught my eyes.


I really hate it when I'm reading a story or book or anything and I think it's on my lists so I can pick it back up when I'm done reading an update on another story especially when it's one I have been waiting for and I get all excited. So when I done reading the update I go back to read the story I was reading and it's not on my list and then I can't find the story anywhere. So damn frustrated!!!!!