THE DIVORCE is completed in stckme


Updated on scrollstackme for HIS BABY.


@DishaSharma959 link is in my bio [scrollstackme]


@MITALI_D chapter 16 and 17 are not different like different topics i mean 17 chapter doesn't seem like a continuation of chapter 16 yeah that's the exact thing I desperately want to know.. where i can find it or can you please give me the direct link.i am new on your account 


@MITALI_D can you please give me the link I want to read chapter after birthday bae ... chapters after birthday bae has been updated somewhere else can you please tell me......


Did you delete the His Bride Story ? 


this message may be offensive
@Jichuu_003 idk it was removed by Wattpad claiming that it has copyright shit but i have been talking to Wattpad support for getting it back as I did get it back today morning thankfully. I am gonna update some chapters here but others will be updated in Scrollstack as people have been reporting many books on this Wattpad app, even though they have been taken down too. I can't let my work drown for some people who have nothing to do with my books other than reporting it for whatever reason.


Jungkook in "his baby" ,Why did he suddenly become hurtful and insult her like this? and Why is she so stupid and naive? Your writing has never been like this before. You have respected women in your writing, but here it is complete nonsense. What prompted you to resort to this type of harmful and degrading stories about women?


@sioray89 and a lil bit of sneak peak is that Jungkook is going to grovel 


@sioray89 I understand your concerns, and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. I typically don't write stories that portray hurtful behavior or degrade women, and I certainly don't support such themes. However, in this particular story, the dynamics are a bit different.
            The female lead appears naive and somewhat foolish because she's experiencing love for the first time. Her background, which I've touched upon in previous chapters, explains this—she grew up in an environment where she never received love or guidance, leaving her vulnerable and eager for affection from others. First love can be a profound and confusing experience, especially for someone who has never felt valued or understood.
            You must have seen in dramas and even in real life that girls who fall in love often do everything to get it. As some people say, "What you do for love" or "See what love did to you." Love makes us do things that are often out of our control.
            Regarding Jungkook's rude behavior, you may have noticed some ambiguous dialogues between the siblings. Some lines aren't clear in the early chapters because I haven't revealed everything yet. The main, twisted chapters are still to come, so please hang in there. You'll soon see the male lead's side of the story too. I hope this provides some clarity and helps you see the story from a different perspective.


Chapter 30 of "His Baby" has been updated on Stckme! Your support means the world to me, and I'm deeply grateful for your enthusiasm for this story.
          I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the readers who have purchased the chapters. Your contribution not only helps in the continuation of the story but also goes towards a cause very dear to my heart.
          Every penny earned from the purchase of these chapters is being used for the well-being of my beloved furry family members – my sons and daughters (cats). Whether it's medical treatments or extra special treats, your support ensures that they receive the care and love they deserve. And the spoiler of that chapter is long very long slow burn smut. [ mostly i put sale tags on the smut chapters only]